“Uh, guys…” Dash takes a couple of steps backward.

But my Selena rushes forward, her arms outstretched. “Hello! Hello!”

One of the smallest reaches her first, having been relatively close to us.

She crouches in front of the tiny red dragon as their huge eyes latch onto her face. “Hi, there. I’m Selena.”

“I’m Reevie,” a little boy’s voice says. The youngling hops up onto her thighs and cocks his head in that way dragons have. “What are you?”

“I’m a human.”

The rest circle her by now, and whispers of “human” ripple through the crowd one after another as they stretch forward to get their foreheads rubbed.

“She’smyhuman,” Bellavesaria says, her head bobbing. “I’ve joined her for my wander years.”

“Sothat’swhere you’ve been,” a deep alto booms as Sheevora the Magnificent enters from the large tunnel opening on the far side of the cavern. Several long strides carry her quickly across to us.

“Mother.” Bellavesaria dips her head. “I’m taking part in the grand quest to find the antidote that will protect our human allies from deathsleep.”

The great dragon remains quiet for several moments. Then one huge taloned foot reaches out and pulls the younger dragon to her, tucking Bellavesaria into her side. “Daughter, you make me proud.”

“Really?” Bellavesaria’s feathery crest rises.

“I would have preferred if you told me of your plans, but I realize it is part of growing up to becomesomewhat… reticent with one’s parents.” Sheevora’s gaze moves to me. “It is good to see you again, orc, and to know you’ve succeeded in your quest. You will dine with us tonight, and I hope you will gift us all with a song.”

“It will be an honor,” I say, using all of the diplomacy I learned from my years serving King Aldronn.

Selena smiles up at me, a look of pride on her face.

It warms me, filling my chest until I stand taller than before. I like that she sees me like this, as someone important enough to sing for dragons. As someone worthy.

It stirs a prideful, possessive feeling inside me. One I like far too much.



Ay! If anything’s cuter than dragon babies, I’m not sure I want to see it, because I doubt I could survive the experience. The tiny wings, the baby claws, the absolutely huge eyes in a rainbow of colors—they’re the most adorable thing I’ve ever seen.

They surround us as Sheevora leads us into the next cavern, and Reevie demands to be carried, his little amber eyes studying my face every time I happen to glance at him.

This new cavern is even larger than the nursery, with sleeping nests carved into the rock walls big enough for an adult dragon.

Sunlight beams down, or at least Ithinkit’s sunlight. I point. “What is that? Is the top of the cave open to the outside?” Even as I ask it, I doubt my own words. We’re inside a mountain, not at its top.

“No, silly,” Reevie laughs. “It’s a sun stone.”

“Sun stone?” Sturrm asks, and I don’t feel too ignorant if he also doesn’t know what one is.

Bella answers, “It’s a massive crystal imbued with the power of the light stone, the standing stone that makes your glow stones.”

Sturrm grunts. “I didn’t know it could make such strong sources of light.”

“It can’t for you,” Bella says. “But for dragons—”

“Yeah, yeah,” Dash says. “You’re all so special.”

“We clearly are.” Bella waves a foot to take in the massive cavern. “You haven’t even seen our libraries and learning rooms.”