Sturrm steps around the gnomes sitting on the floor of the tunnel in a group cuddle.
“I’m sorry I can’t heal you one last time,” I say, peering at them over his arm.
The leader waves a weary hand. “Go, so that we may fulfill our part of the bargain.”
Dash clomps down the new tunnel in front of us, Sturrm following with long strides.
The fissure might have originally been nothing more than a vertical crack, but now it’s a good four-feet wideand eight-feet tall. Red light shines at the end, and a trickle of excitement goes through me. What will we find?
Sturrm carries me into a small cavern.
Dios mio, it’s amazing! Glowing red crystals stud the floor, walls, and ceiling, bathing the room in light and the strong hum of magic. It’s like stepping inside of a lit-up geode.
“Ohhh,” Bella sighs from beside us. “I’ve read about these but never gotten the chance to see them before.”
“Why are they red?” Sturrm frowns. “They’re supposed to be healing, not dangerous.”
But the magic that hums through the room feels kind of like mine. It’s a good feeling, not a harmful one.
“People always think red is a bad thing. Because it’s the color of our blood, it instinctively means ‘danger,’” I say. “But what they always forget is that blood is a good thing, too. Blood is vitality. Blood is life.”
Sturrm grunts his affirmative grunt.
“How many crystals do we need?” Dash asks.
“We should take all of them,” Bella says. “We should not leave any for the sluagh to destroy, for such is a waste. Any the orcs and humans don’t need, the dragons will keep safe.”
“And study,” Sturrm says, cocking an eyebrow at her.
“Would you expect any less?” She tilts her head. “Dragons are the scholars of Faerie. We hold more knowledge than anyone.”
“I think you meanhoard,” Dash says.
“We’re willing to share, if we deemthe recipients worthy.”
The unicorn spears her with his golden eyes. “What about me? Am I worthy?”
“No.” Her tone’s teasing.
Instead of being affronted, he laughs.
They move off together. Dash uses his teeth to pull crystals from the walls, and Bella rears up on her hind legs to reach those in the ceiling.
Yet Sturrm remains still, holding me.
“Set me down.” I push at his shoulder. “I’m the short one. I’ll get the ones on the ground.”
He grumbles a little, but does as I ask. Then he pulls his last sheet of leather out of the pack on Dash’s back and forms it into a large bag.
My fingers tingle when I grab the first crystal, and a shiver of magic goes through me as it releases from the ground. It’s warm, the faceted sides smooth and pleasant to the touch. Its power continues to tickle, sliding up and down my right leg like a playful kitten chasing a bit of string. “Uh, is anyone else feeling anything from the crystals?”
“Nope,” Dash says.
Sturrm grunts a negative.
“What kind of thing?” Bella pauses to ask.
“Never mind.” I’m not sure I can explain it, and we need to focus on collecting the crystals, not analyzing them. We’re so close to completing Sturrm’s quest. I murmur to myself, “Eyes on the prize, Selena.”