I was sixteen, I’d lost my father, and I no longer felt like I could burden her with anything I was going through.

She remained like that for years, a brittle fragileness surrounding her. It didn’t change until my junior year in college. She met her new husband when he visited Miami on a business trip, and I got my mother back for three wonderful months. Then they married, she moved to Texas to be with him, and I kind of lost her all over again. I couldn’t say a thing about it, because it felt wrong to be upset that she was finally happy. And Iwashappy for her. I just… missed that secure feeling of having someone nearby I could really count on.

I’m only able to admit it now because of Sturrm. I’ve pushed on for years, proud of my independence. But he lets me put down that burden, and carajo, it’ssucha relief.

He strides before me now, all wide shoulders and strength. I want to run to him, to be caught in his arms, to have him never let me go.

After several more hours of walking, the gnomes halt, their little hats forming a cluster of glowing moss in the tunnel ahead as they hold a whispered conversation. When they break apart, the leader does a front flip toward us, landingand throwing his arms wide like gymnasts do when they stick the landing.

“We are here! The cavern with the crystals is right through there.” He points to a thin fissure in the rock wall of the tunnel. We’ve passed countless cracks that look just like it. Even if we had a map of this place, we might have walked right past this entrance without a second glance.

“Thank you,” I say. “We never would have found this without you.”

“This does us no good.” Sturrm glares at the rock as if the power of his gaze alone can melt it. “We can’t fit through here.”

“Maybe I can. I’m the smallest.” I slip the guitar case from my shoulder and sidle up to the crack. Only two feet in, my boobs and butt catch and scrape on the hard surfaces. Carajo! I love my curves, but they’re a little too generous for this.

“No.” A strong hand curls around my trailing arm, pulling me back.

“The narrowness of the passage will not stop the sluagh,” Bella says. “It will turn into its bird-flock form and slip through easily.”

Which means wehaveto get in there, and if I can’t do it… I spin around to face the gnome. “Will you get the crystals for us?”

“That wasn’t part of our bargain.” His expression turns sly. “What will you give the gnomes for this?”

“She’ll give younothing,” Sturrm growls, his voice dropping so deep the final word reverberates off the walls of the tunnel. “You still haven’t met the terms of your originalbargain. You promised to take us to the crystals. Until you get us all the way to themandback to the dragon caves, you’re bound by your bargain.”

The gnome frowns and mutters something. Tricksy little thing! He sure doesn’t like Sturrm catching him out like that.

“The gnomes said we would take you to the crystals, and so we shall. We will take you through the rock.”



“No. It’s not negotiable.” The knife blade of Sturrm’s hand slices through the air. “You will find another way to fulfill your promise. Use your magic to widen the passage.”

All of the gnomes start to talk at once, a high-pitched chorus of protest. Then they clump even closer to the leader, who stands right in front of the fissure. They all put one hand on him, and then all of them stretch their free hands forward. He uses both of his, gesturing dramatically at the rock.

Magic blasts from them, and the fissure stretches until it’s a good four feet wide. They did it!

They all drop their hands and plop to the ground, panting like they just ran a marathon.

Sturrm sticks his hand into the opening, glow stone raised.

I lean against him, eager to see inside, too. “Oh.” It gusts out of me in disappointment. The new opening might be wide, but it’s only a couple of feet deep.

“Get up,” Sturrm says to the gnomes. “You’ve barely begun.”

The lead gnome shakes his head tiredly. “We can’t.”

“What’s the issue? You mine more rock than this every day.”

“We mine by travelingthroughthe rock, not by moving this much of it. Gnomes can sculpt rock on a small scale, but we have to rest often. Making a passage large enough for all of you will take days.”

Mierda. With the sluagh coming, we don’t have days. We have to think of something…

I snap my fingers and spin to face the unicorn. “Dash, what’s it like for you to run with me healing you versus without me in terms of stamina, etc.?”