“I can carry her,” Dash says.
Bella adds, “Or I will.”
“No one’s carrying her but me,” Sturrm growls.
“No, I’ll walk,” I say. Carrying me will make it harder for them to get through the twisty places, which will only slow us down.
The success of this quest is crucial. It will protect every human in Alarria.
More than that, it will prove to Sturrm that he’s not a failure, that all of that old self blame is built on a lie.
He sets me on my feet, his hands lingering until he’s sure I’m steady, in that heart-meltingly thoughtful way of his.
I sling his guitar onto my back and march forward, determined to keep up, even if I have to pour healing magic into myself every step of the way.
There’s no way I’m letting these soul-stealer pendejos get those crystals.
There’s no way I’m letting Sturrm fail this quest.
Now that we know we need to move more quickly, the way ahead becomes ever more difficult, because of course it does.
The gnomes somersault ahead without a care in the world as the ceiling drops to new lows that have me crouched over and crawling.
Selena’s breaths echo in the small space.
“Are you all right?” I glance back over my shoulder.
She’s tied her glow stone to the guitar case’s strap, and it swings below her chest as she too hunches over. Her face wears a look of pure determination as shesays, “I’m fine.”
Pride swells within me. She’s clearly not used to this level of exertion, and yet she soldiers on without a single complaint. I’d worry more if not for her self-healing ability.
When I make it to the other side, I stand up in relief and arch backward, stretching my muscles.
Selena follows, and I offer my hand to help her out of the final bit of the low passage. As soon as we touch, a warm current of her magic flows through me, easing the ache in my back I’d ignored.
Bellavesaria crawls out after her. The largest of us, I’d almost expect her to have the most difficulty in the smaller tunnels, but she navigates everything so far with ease, her long body able to twist this way and that.
Selena scratches the dragon’s head, her magic rippling out in a quick burst of healing that makes the scrapes on Bellaversaria’s wings disappear.
It’s Dash who actually has the most difficult time, even though I rearranged the packs so they hung at his sides. I expect a smartass comment of some sort as he comes into view, but he remains quiet, his barrel chest moving with his deep breaths.
Selena doesn’t say a word, but she makes sure to hug his neck in another healing touch. The warmth of her magic tingles through the air, and his labored breathing eases.
Even the dragon doesn’t make fun of him, our united purpose overshadowing any previous bickering.
Since the way ahead narrows yet again, I return the packs to the top of his back, and we start off, hurrying to catch up to our guides.
A murmur of sound comes from ahead, building into a roar as I round a curve of the tunnel and enter a wide cavern with an underground river rushing past.
The gnomes wait on the far bank.
“They’re not wet!” Selena points. “How?”
“They used their magic to travel through the ground.”