The satisfier toy latches onto my clit right as his cock hits deeper than ever, sending a jolt of pleasure-pain through me as he taps my cervix.

“Sturrm!” I scream one final time as I come, fire flashing through my body in the ultimate pleasure.

His hips snap forward, burying him fully, and he holds deep within me as I flutter around him. Then with a yell, he pulls partway out, fisting his hand around the base of his cock as liquid shoots into me with heat and pressure.

Sturrm roars, the sound wild and unfettered and everything I could ever want to hear.

There’s so much fluid. It splashes out all around his hand, soaking both our thighs and stomachs.

With a grunt, his hand drops away, and he settles back into the water again, with me still straddling him.

I should slide all the way down his cock, but I don’t. He’s already got the biggest cock I’ve ever seen, but now a huge swelling makes the base twice as wide. My fingers play over it, slicked by his thick come. “What is this?”

“It’s my knot,” he says. “If I came while all the way inside you, it would seal up your entrance and lock us together.”

“Humans don’t have anything like this. What’s it for?”

“All fae, even orcs who are the most virile, find it harder to conceive than humans do. Locking in the seed ensures more younglings.”

“I want to try it,” I say, meeting his eyes without hesitation. The thought of something so huge in me already has me squirming. “Like I said before, I’m not fertile right now. We could do the knot.”

“I will not knot you where it is not safe. The knot lasts all night the first time,” he says. “And—” A strange look flickers over his face.

“And what?”

He shakes his head. “It is nothing.” He slides me all the way off him and stands. “Stay in the hot spring for a moment, and I will prepare our things.”

Then he’s up, out of the water, liquid glistening on his glorious ass as he strides over to the packs and starts to make camp. He spreads the furs out on the flattest area of moss. Then he unpacks the last of the provisions. “I can go hunt, or we can stay here together this evening.”

“We stay in,” I say. “I love your cooking, but I don’t want you to leave.”

He gives a pleased grunt and comes back to the pool to help me out, drying me with his shirt, taking care of me in that thoughtful way of his.

We eat bread and apples and strips of dried meat in a naked picnic on the furs. As soon as we’re done, I get him to play and sing for me, his deep voice echoing in the acoustics of the cavern.

When he sets his guitar aside and reaches for me, I curl up in his arms.

All the stress of almost dying today turned into the most amazing night of my life. But I’m greedy. I snuggle into his side, sighing with happiness as I lay my head on his arm.

I want all of my nights to be like this from now on.



Morning comes with no change in light—the magical moss glows at a consistent level at all hours—yet I wake at what my body tells me is dawn.

Selena sleeps in my arms as she has all night, her soft breaths tickling over my naked skin.

Last night was the most amazing experience of my life.

And one of the biggest mistakes I’ve ever made.

Being with her shook me to my core. I spent years pining for Bruna and what would have been if our teenage fumblings grew into the love of adults. For the first time, I force myself to remember them for what they were—sweetfirst love and the excitement of newly maturing bodies discovering pleasure. They weren’t in and of themselves revelatory, no matter how much I made them such in my mind and held every woman since to an impossible ideal.

Until the reality of touching Selena tore through every rose-colored memory to show me the truth of what real passion is.

Yet Selena’s not my bride, and I’ve just made it impossible to do what needs to be done. How am I supposed to hand her over to her intended in Moon Blade Village? How can I watch them fall in love and be gloriously happy as only a mated moon bound pair can be?