I wind my hands in his silky black mane, and say, “Okay, let’s go!”
He takes off at a slow trot that feels like a hundred miles an hour as we run into the forest, a laugh tearing from my lips. For all the riding I did with Sturrm, being on unicorn back by myself is way scarier… and also more exciting.
We run and run, well past the time we usually finish our practice. The light’s beginning to dip by the time Dash pauses to drink from a small creek, and the crystal clear water burbling over smooth stones looks so good I realize I’m thirsty, too.
“I think it’s time to head back now.” I give his neck a pat. “I don’t want Sturrm to worry.”
“Okay.” With a little laugh, Dash takes off running again.
All the parts of the forest still look kind of samey to me. I definitely need to get better at noticing differences beyond “that’s a pine tree” and “hey, look—more ferns.” But even so, we run for a while without anything seeming familiar, the forest slowly darkening around us as evening descends.
“Are you sure we’re going the right way?”
“Yep.” Dash tosses his head, making the front of his mane flip in a dramatic fashion. In a few more minutes, he slows, coming to a stop on the edge of a blue birch grove, the leaves glowing with the last of the day’s light. “We’re here.”
“Um, no we’re not.” I crane my neck. “This isn’t the village.”
“You’re right, it’s not the village, but it’s where you’re supposed to be.”
“Uh, Dash…”
He looks back over his shoulder and whisper-hisses out the side of his mouth, “I’m not supposed to say anything to spoil the surprise.”
“Oh!” Relief rushes through me as I slide to the ground, my healing magic swirling through my butt and legs and soothing the muscles.
Sturrm strides from between the birch trees, his eyes flickering past me just long enough to offer the unicorn a thank you before they return to me. “Surprise.”
“See.” I grin up at him. “You’re already getting the hang of them.”
“You’ve made me see many things in a new light, my bride.” He cocks an elbow and leads me into the grove, stopping under a tree that stands out because it’s got green leaves.
A blanket of furs covers the ground, a picnic meal spread out and ready, lit by a glow stone. Sturrm’s travel guitar waitsnearby, the case open so it can be plucked up at a moment’s notice.
“A picnic dinner? That’s so romantic!”
“More than dinner.” Sturrm reaches overhead, his long arm parting the green leaves to pluck a dusky pink fruit he holds out on the flat of his palm. “This is an apple tree.”
“An apple tree!” Happiness bubbles in my chest, like I just drank too much sparkling wine. “Just like the song.”Oursong.
Sturrm tosses the apple onto the furs and scoops me up into his arms, his deep voice crooning for me and me alone.
Come, lay thee under the apple tree,
And I’ll eat your fruit all night.
For you are the lovely lass for me,
Who bathes my heart in light.
“Just all night?” I say, my tone seductive and teasing.
“No.” He frowns his serious, thoughtful frown. The one I love so, so much. “One night will never be enough. I will lay with you and love you forever, my bride.”
His mouth takes mine, sweet and hot, in the first kiss of the rest of our glorious livestogether.
Thank you for readingBound to the Orc Guardian. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Want more Selena and Sturrm? Read on for a special bonus story!
Want to see what happens when Wranth finds out the secret of his birth? Eager to discover who the Moon Goddess picks to be his very special moon bound bride?Dive intoBound to the Orc Warrior, book five of the Brides of the Moon Blade Clan!This book is going to crack this entire world wide open!