“Are we going to get them to take us across like that?”

“No.” My jaws tighten. Even if we could hold our breath for a short trip, the thought of being trapped in solid rock—ofSelenabeing trapped—just no.

The others join us.

“I can fly across,” Bellavesaria says.

“Can you take our things?” I ask.


“I can wade it in my unicorn form,” Dash says.

I hurry over to remove the saddle and bags from him. Then I take my guitar from Selena and strap it to the rest for the dragon to carry.

“I can swim.” Selena eyes the river warily. “But I don’t know if I can swimthat.”

“You won’t have to.” I bend over and pull off my boots. Next, I remove my sword belt, my shirt. When I reach for my pants, she stops me.

“What are you doing?”

“Getting ready to ford the river. It doesn’t look too deep.” I add my things to one of the packs. “Or did you forget that I no longer have dry clothes to put on if these get wet?”

She grins, dark pink flushing her cheeks. “Oh, yeah. That.”

I shuck the pants from my legs and add it to the rest.

Bellavesaria gathers everything with her front feet and launches across the river in a burst of magic, flapping her wings only once.

Another ripple of magic, and Dash trots past us, restored to his usual size.

I eye his progress as he steps into the raging current and sinks up to his withers. His head remains above the water, and he’s able to walk across instead of needing to swim.

Good. That means I can do so as well.

I turn to Selena.

Her eyes rove over me, hunger heating her appreciative gaze.

My cock doesn’t care that the unicorn, dragon, and an uncountable number of gnomes can see us. My cock only cares about her. It swells to life.

She licks her lush lips, and I have to stifle a groan. Fuck. I’m barely keeping myself away from her as is. Knowing she wants me—even if only for now—is more temptation than I can bear.

I scoop Selena up into my arms and stride forward. As soon as I get to the steep-sided riverbank, I lift her up over my head, making my palms a seat for her lush ass.

She shrieks, her little feet kicking my arms, but it’s a happy shriek. She bends over enough that she can grip my wrists to help steady her upper body.

I step into the river, plunging up to mid chest. The water’s icy, battering at my side. My toes start to tingle in the extreme cold, and fuck, I don’t even want to imagine what’s happening to my cock. Even Selena’s sweet rear filling myhands isn’t enough to fight off the immediate effect of the freezing water. I grit my teeth and plow forward, fighting the current trying to rip me downstream.

Selena’s fingers tighten around my wrists, and without me needing to say a single word, her magic pours into me, keeping my muscles warm and functioning. An extra swirl of warmth heads straight to my groin and makes me grunt with relief. My cock no longer feels like an icicle.

When I finally reach the opposite bank, I shove her forward, into the dragon’s waiting claws. Her loss is immediate, the frigid water stealing my breath without her magic there to beat back the effects. Orcs are tough, but even orcs hate extreme cold, and wet cold’s the worst.

Placing both palms on the rock of the river bank, I shove upward, levering myself out of the water. I sit shivering, the cool rock underneath me feeling warm in contrast to my icy skin.

Selena rushes over to me, her hands firm on my shoulders as she pours more healing magic into me. Her eyes search over me as she works. “Are you okay?” Another of those extra bursts of magic curls through my cock.

My eyes narrow. “Are you doing that on purpose?”