“Forever is an awfully long time.”
“Not long enough.” I lick the soft satin of her inner thigh, tracing from one freckle to the next. “Never enough.” I kiss her other leg. “The stars can wink out one by one, and I’ll still love you. The sun can fall dark in the sky, and you will still be my light, my life.”
Every moment I draw breath, I’ll spend making sure she knows she’s loved. Making sure she’s mine.
The rich scent of her arousal taunts me, mixing with the smell of my seed on her skin and setting my heart racing with possessiveness. I can wait no longer to taste her. My tongueflicks out, and the distinct berry taste of her fills my mouth with tangy sweetness. A groan tears from my chest. I can’t get enough.
I can never get enough.
Yet I force myself to a slow pace, circling my tongue around her entrance until she writhes beneath me. Only then do I slide it inside, filling her.
Her mouth falls open, her eyelids heavy with pleasure as she watches me worship her with my tongue.
My hips grind my cock into the furs. The greedy thing longs to be in her, but I’ll show her my love again first, my care for her pleasure.
Write my devotion upon her skin with my tongue.
I plunge it inside of her wet heat, dragging it free only so that I can flick it across the sensitive nub at the top of her sex. Over and over, I repeat my attentions until Ashley lifts her hips, rising up to meet me, her whole body quivering with need.
“Please, Dravarr!”
My name falling from her lips undoes me. I can deny her no longer. Slipping a finger inside her, I flatten my tongue over her nub and flutter it with constant pressure.
My bride cries out, her back arching off the bed as her climax shudders through her. Wetness coats my chin, bathing me in her smell. My cock jumps, and I pull my hand free to give her several more licks, drinking the taste of her pleasure.
She subsides back onto the bed, her skin flushed rosy with ripe enjoyment, and I climb up her body, my cock bobbing and heavy with want.
Soft and pliant, Ashley opens her arms. I crush her beneath me for several moments, taking her mouth in a soul-searing kiss that spears into my heart. By the goddess, I love her.
I love her so damned much it’s as if my life didn’t truly begin until the day we met. Thinking back, I almost don’t recognize theold me. It’s no wonder I was such a miserable sod, caught up in nothing but duty and advancement.
When what I truly needed was joy.
“Thank you.” I whisper the words into her lips and pull back to meet her eyes. “Thank you for giving up a whole world, a whole other existence, to be here with me. You’ve woken me to everything life can be, and it’s gloriously beautiful with you in it.”
“Oh, Dravarr.” Tears sheen her eyes. “I love you, too.” As always, she cuts to the heart of it, saying the most important thing.
“I love you, my bride.”
I reposition my hips, brushing my erection over her entrance. Her knees raise, welcoming me, her head tipped back to look into my eyes.
All my life I’ve striven for perfection, and it’s finally here in my arms. It’s her. Ashley’s the most perfect thing in the world.
I push in only a little bit, the tight heat of her already delicious. It’s intoxicating, knowing this time I’ll knot her, locking her to me for hours.
Holding her eyes the whole time, I rock into her slowly, filling her with all that I am.
Filling her with all my love.
The sweet poignancy of Dravarr’s gaze almost breaks me. His face, so often hardened by a scowl, now looks more handsome than ever, softened by love.
So much love, as large as everything else about him. My husband hides the biggest heart I’ve ever known, but I see it now. I see him.
And I know he sees me like no one else ever has, love shining from his eyes.