But my bride changed all that by playing with the younglings, her joy and good cheer infectious.
“It seems you’re not the only grump Ashley can charm,” Midnight says with a playful toss of her head as she walks along beside me. We’re traveling again, although a bit slower, moving with the herd as it changes pastures for fresh grass.
I grunt.
“You’ve clearly bedded her. Your wooing worked. You need to tell her she’s your bride.”
“Stay out of it,” I growl.
“I may not be orc or human, but I still think you should tell her. She clearly cares for you, and a good relationship is built on trust.”
“How would you know?” I say. “You certainly haven’t had one.”
She whacks my shoulder with her horn in a stinging blow. “I’m only single because I spend too much time with your sorry self.” She snorts. “I can see that will need to change sometime soon.”
I grind my teeth and bite out, “Sorry. You’re right.”
“About?” She spears me with one gold eye.
“I’ve kept you away from your own kind too much.” Too many trips to visit King Aldronn. Too many trips to Raven Steel Clan. All of my political maneuvering put to bed now that the goddess has given me a far more precious sky gift. “All of that will change now that I have Ashley. I’ll remain in Moon Blade Village a great deal more.”
“That’s not all I’m right about.”
Ashley flies past again, heading back the other way, her face beaming with a smile so bright it rivals the sun, her hair a billowing red corona around her. The youngling attached to her chest waves all four hooves, nickering with happiness.
God, she’s good with them. It makes me long to fill her belly with all the orc babies she could ever want.
“Well?” Midnight bats me again with her horn. “Are you going to tell her?”
My bride’s laugh rings through the air. Ashley’s so happy and bright, bringing joy to everyone around her.
“I still need to woo her more. The arranged marriage will be a shock. Olivia says humans don’t usually do things like this—they don’t marry before they even meet,” I say. “I’ll tell her, but the time’s not perfect yet.”
My friend spears me with a skeptical eye. “When exactly is it going to be perfect, Dravarr?”
I scrub at my face, my fingers rasping over my beard, unable to answer.
The morning sun lights the tent brightly on the open plains, teasing me awake.
Ashley warms my furs, with my body curled around hers. Now that she can turn her magic off at will, I no longer need to hold her all night out of duty.
I can do so for the pure pleasure of it.
I bury my nose in her sunrise hair and breathe in her scent. My hand tightens on her stomach, pulling my bride more firmly to me, and she sucks in a little gasp. She’s awake and as aware of me as I am of her.
Her hips shift, and I groan, my hand sliding under the loose fabric of her skirt to palm the satin of her soft stomach.
“Dravarr!” Her small hand covers mine, holding me in place, and—
“You’re awake. I heard you,” Midnight calls out. “We canallhear you.”
Ashley groans. “God, you fae and your super hearing. That’s one thing I could do without.”
“I’d love to agree,” I growl. “But it helps keep you safe.”
“I don’t want to be safe.” She wiggles against me, her ass moving over my cock in a way that makes me groan.
“Witch,” I breathe into her hair. “You’ve enchanted me.”