“Tell me you want this,” he growls, his dark eyes staring down into mine with an intensity that cuts straight to my heart. “Tell me you want my cock.”
“Yes,” I gasp. “I want it. Ineedit.” I need him, need the reality of his desire for me.
Dravarr pushes forward, the width of him stretching me to exquisite fullness. The first of the piercings slides into me, adding a delicious texture.
My mouth falls open as I suck in a shocked breath, the reality of him so muchmorethan I expected. He’s so big, so real, so solid above me. He anchors me to this world in so many ways.
He pulls out, the metal balls teasing me, and pushes deeper, the stretch growing and growing as he works his massive cock into me. I don’t know if I can take it. It’s overwhelming. My body writhes below him, trying to get close or get away—I can’t tell—just needing tomove.
Dravarr grunts with his next thrust, my muscles clamping around him. “By the goddess, woman, you’re going to kill me if you keep that up. You’re so tight, so wonderfully tight.”
I glance down, lifting my head to see past my stomach and breasts. Oh, god. He’s only halfway in!
He lifts my thigh, his hand hot on the back of my knee, spreading me wider. Rocking into me, his girth only fits because I’m so incredibly wet. Tingling warmth suffuses every motion, and I pant, breathing in the smell of sex.
His piercings trace twin lines of fire inside, adding a sensation I’ve never felt before but never want to go without. I tip my hips, inviting him deeper, wanting everything he has to give, even though I already know it will ruin me for any other man.
Not that it matters. I’ll never want anyone but him.
Deeper and deeper, he’s close, so close, to being all the way in, filling me so full I can barely stand how extreme the sensation is. And yet, I want more.
My hands trace over his chest, his upper arms, his neck, unable to be still, wanting to touch all of him.
The tendons of his neck stand out, his lips parted around his tusks in an expression that almost borders on pain. He’s holding back with everything he has, trying to be gentle. It makes my heart skip that he cares about me so much.
But it’s not what I need right now.
I lift my other leg, digging my heel into the back of his thigh to tug him to me.
Dravarr’s hips snap forward, burying him deep in a stretch of fullness that touches every single nerve ending inside my core.
I pant. It’s so much. He’s so unbelievablybig. Then a sucking sensation surrounds my clit in a tingle of desire and magic. His stud. Oh, god. He said it would do what I like best, and it is—it’s doing exactly the same thing as my favorite rose toy.
I whine, high in my throat, as the first tingle of orgasm flashes through me. My fingers dig into his back, my heart racing. “More,” I sob. “Please, Dravarr. Don’t hold back.”
My words free him. All the fire of our earlier kiss returns as he pulls out of me and plunges back in. His hard, pounding thrusts scoot me across the furs and send bolts of tingling sensation shooting through me. His stud latches onto my clit, sucking and sucking.
“Come for me, my beautiful Ashley,” he growls. “Come on my cock.”
“Dravarr!” I scream to the heavens as my back arches, caught in an explosion of fiery delight that bursts from my core to flash outwards through my entire body.
My glorious bride shatters around me, her inner muscles squeezing my cock in a bewitching dance that makes my balls tighten. I grind my teeth together, my tusks digging into my upper lip as I fight to hold off my own orgasm, wanting to prolong this intoxicating pleasure for her.
And for me.
The wet heat of her core, the smell of my seed on her skin, the pillowy feel of her thighs wrapping around my hips. This woman is mine, made for me, the perfect piece missing from my life.
My bride, my glorious moon bound bride.
The magic humming through my stud eases, sensing her sweet spot needs a respite. I pull almost all the way out, the airof the cave shockingly cool in contrast to her warmth. Then I thrust, my body greedy to be buried within her again.
Ashley gasps, her flushed face gleaming with pleasure, her sunset hair spread across my furs in damp waves of dark orange.
Over and over, I plunge into her, unable to help myself. My body’s driven by a primitive urge, one she shares. We both could have perished today, never to have felt this joy.