A wild, uncivilized feeling rises within me, pulling me to him.

I’ve never wanted anyone more.



I spread my furs across the floor of the tent, making my bride the softest bed possible. Then I wave her into it and settle on the ground in front. Midnight’s already circled our campsite a good half-mile out, confirming no enemies lurk close. She’ll graze in the area, ready to be called upon at a moment’s notice. But as good as she is at keeping watch, the threat of the sluagh weighs on me. My hand tightens on my sword hilt. I must protect my moon bound.

True dark falls with only a scattering of stars overhead. Even the pixies remain distant, their tiny lights flittering at the edges of my vision. I never thought I’d miss them, but I’ve grown used to the flock that’s adopted Moon Blade Village as their home.

Cloth rustles behind me, and I imagine Ashley rolling in my furs, stripped to nothing but that tiny scrap of pink. My cock springs to painful awareness as I continue to listen to her restlessness. She slept so peacefully in my arms earlier, clearly worn out by her ordeal. Yet those scant hours provided little more than a nap. Why doesn’t she go to sleep?

Her sweet voice calls to me. I wish I could see her expression to get some idea of what she wants, but if I light the glow stones, they’ll turn the tent into a lantern, broadcasting our location into the night.

“Go to sleep,” I growl.

Instead of obeying, she parts the tent flaps to tug at me with soft, insistent hands.

It is I who obeys, following her into the tent, where she pushes me down onto the furs and curls into my side, wrapping my arm over her middle. My bride must worry she’ll fly away again without me to ground her. I thought the tent a good enough precaution, but clearly Ashley longs for more certainty than that.

She lets out the softest little sigh and relaxes, falling quickly asleep. Her scent fills the tent, and little puffs of breath tickle my neck, her body warm against mine.

Every fiber of my being thrums with awareness of her in the sweetest of tortures as I ignore my erection and hold her throughout the long night.

It seems I sleep after all, because I wake at dawn with Ashley’s back to my front, her generous buttocks pressed to my groin. My cock woke even before I did, full and strainingtoward her, each barbell piercing on the underside adding extra sensation where our bodies touch.

Her sunrise hair catches the golden morning light seeping through the thin leather of the tent. She murmurs and nuzzles her face into my upper arm, which acts as her pillow. Does my bride want more sleep? Or breakfast? Or for me to fulfill every promise my rampant cock offers?

Frustration sends me rolling away. I hate not knowing.

“Dravarr?” she asks sleepily, blinking up at me.

“We need to go.” My tone is gruff, making my meaning clear, and she nods and sits up to put on her human shoes.

But I do not like the small frown that pinches her brow. Or knowing I put it there.

A soft breeze blows the cool air of morning over my face as I leave the tent, and dew glistens on the fiddleheads that curl above the patch of ferns just ahead. Golden larks sing, a glorious warble that welcomes the new day.

Midnight waits in the clearing, tossing her mane so its highlights flicker gold in the slanted sunshine of morning. “I suppose it’s a good thing I can keep watch if you’re going to crawl into the tent with her every night.”

“I usually sleep in the tent.” I scowl at her. A unicorn’s ability to half doze while standing guard is a skill I envy. “Your words mean little.”

“What Imeanis you have reason to be distracted now.” She gives a neighing laugh. “If we’re attacked, you might not leave your furs as quickly as before now that you have reason to linger.”

“You’re wrong.” I stand and strap my sword belt to my waist. “Protecting my bride means I will fight harder than ever.”

Ashley is one more responsibility piled on top of a mountain of them, yet she rests at the very peak. She cannot fight, and herpower is of little use, so everything falls to me, just as it always does. Thank the goddess, I’m strong enough for the both of us.

I make breakfast a quick affair of bread and cheese and hurry to pack up the tent.

Ashley holds up one item after the next, saying a single word each time, watching me expectantly. I name the items for her, correcting her pronunciation when she repeats them back to me. She catches on quickly, but all of this is a waste of time. The speaking stone will make all of this unnecessary, but I can’t even tell her that.

Eventually, she falls silent, only to watch me avidly, noting where everything goes in the saddlebags. As I hang them from Midnight’s side, Ashley rubs the unicorn’s forehead, a wild smile of delight beaming from her as Midnight lips at her hair.

Then she pats the side of Midnight’s neck and looks at me with an expectant gaze. “Naym?”
