The unicorn snuffles at the back of my head. “There, there, little human. All will be well.”
“You talk!” I whirl, a shocked laugh exploding from me.
“Of course I talk.” The deep voice sounds indignant. “What kind of unicorn do you think I am that I can’t talk?”
“Sorry! Unicorns are new for me.”
“He’s named Hurtle,” Rovann says.
“Hurtle,” I repeat slowly, wondering if the translating magic is working right. “As in ‘throw yourself recklessly forward’?”
Rovann grins. “He named himself.”
“It seemed apt.” The unicorn bumps the side of his horn against Rovann’s uninjured shoulder. “I befriended you, didn’t I?”
“That you did, old friend.” Rovann slaps a friendly hand to his neck. “Now go away. I must speak with Olivia alone.”
Hurtle tosses his head, his tail flicking from side to side. “I will patrol the perimeter and make sure we’re alone.”
As soon as he’s gone, Rovann clasps both my hands in his and looks deep into my eyes. “My moon bound bride, I am so very happy to be your husband.”
Shock stops my heart for a second. Then it starts up again, pounding double time.
Ten minutes later, we sit side by side, our backs leaning against the stone, the sun beating down from overhead.
Rovann’s already explained it twice, but…
“I still don’t get it.” My shoulder blades press harder into the rock behind me as if its magic will make all of this make sense. “When did we get married?”
“The moment the Moon Goddess matched us. She appeared to me several nights ago, summoning me to find you.” He says it with such conviction, as if that answers everything. And it does—for him. I’m beginning to think this difference isn’t one of translation or language—it’s cultural. It’sbelief.
A belief humans don’t have.
“It hasn’t happened for centuries,” he adds. “But when it does, she’s never wrong.”
“What if I’d been gay?”
“Then she would have bound you to one of our women who like women.” He shrugs, his heavy black braid sliding off his shoulder. “But you aren’t, and she didn’t, so you’re bound to me.”
The thing is I like him,reallylike him, as in I think I’m already falling for him. The way he cares for me and the way he’s so proud of my magic makes me feel special for the first time in my life. And his kisses… his kisses make me wanteverything.
But I don’t know how to handle the idea that a goddess married usbeforewe even met. Is this magical matchmaking or an arranged marriage? Or both? Can you call it arranged if you didn’t even know it was happening?
Rovann stands, his voice tight. “We should go.” He towers over me, blocking out the sun, the halo of light behind him casting his face in shadow.
I scramble to my feet, needing to see his expression. I’ve been so caught up in everything this means to me that I haven’t stopped to think about what my reaction means tohim.
He turns away, calling out for Hurtle, and I place a hand on his arm, tugging to get him to face me again.
“I’m not… I’m not rejectingyou, okay? I know it must feel that way, but this is more about the surprise marriage. We don’t do things like this where I come from.”
“What do humans do instead?” His dark eyes watch me intently.
“We date.” When his brow pinches in a confused frown, I hurry to add, “We eat meals together and go to movies.”
“Movies?” He sounds the word out.