Page 69 of Forever Home

“Well… I mean at least you're close,” I finally reply, taking another glance at the building.

His fingers find my chin as he turns my face to face him. His eyes staring down at me with the same hunger and intensity he’d shown last night when he fucked me into submission and made me scream for himin pleasure. The same gaze that still makes my thighs press together in anticipation for what he has in store for me.

“Oh cupcake… that was my intention all along.”

Chapter Twenty-Eight: Jaxson

Thanksgiving. A time of year I used to detest, but after the last six weeks with Madison, the idea of family and being with someone doesn’t seem as bad as it used to. Though regrettably, my relationship with my parents hasn’t improved at all. And every time I get pissed about something my mother says or how she acts when I make an attempt, Madison finds a way to correct my mood. Who knew Madison could give head the way she does? There’s no way in hell anyone would be able to stay mad at her with that mouth.

The moment we pull up to Mrs. Kendall's home—after an urgent request by Kylie for everyone to get together—I contemplate what it would be like to have a home like this with Madison. A thought that had recurrently crossed my mind over the past few weeks. Every moment spent with her causes me to like the idea more and more.

I mean yes, we’ve only been seeing each other a short while but I can’t help but wonder what it would be like to be with her… forever.

Glancing over to Madison, I take in the loose curls of her hair that fall down around her shoulder to meet the deep blue knit sweater she is wearing paired with a pair of denim jeans that made me groan with desire the moment she walked out in them back at her apartment. She’s gorgeous, and at the same time so different from the girls I’ve been used to associating myself with.

She has an air of natural beauty about her that makes her stand out in a crowd.

And more so, she doesn’t try to be someone she isn’t.

“Oh look, there’s Sam!” Madison says excitedly as she opens the car door. “Sam!”

Sure enough, Sam and Asher step out of a blue sleek rental car. Their eyes find us quickly as Sam smiles and makes her way towards Madison. Arms wide open as the two women embrace causing me to let out a sigh of irritation.

I should have known that what Madison and I had wasn’t going to stay quiet for long. It only took a week before Sam knew and then Asher was texting me. Thankfully though, it’s where it stopped. It isn’t that I’m ashamed to have people know that I’m seeing Madison. It’s just that I don’t want what happened to Sam and Asher… to happen to us.

The thought of having a media frenzy on our hands isn’t something that interests me. I don’t want to share Madison with anyone just yet. I want us to be able to have time to enjoy ourselves without all the attention.

Stepping out of the car, I join Madison, Sam, and Asher on the sidewalk where they stand talking. Asher’s eyes meet mine as a small smile crosses his lips. “Hey, man. Looking good.”

He clasps my hand and brings me in for a quick hug before pulling back. “You as well. How’s everything been going with the season?”

“Oh, you know…” he shrugs. “Same shit, different day.”

“I bet.” I reply, turning to see Knox standing at the front door staring at us. “Knox.”

Madison and Sam turn to face Knox as he steps out the door towards us. “About time you guys got here. Dante keeps putting me to work, having me help him set shit up.”

“Set things up?” Sam remarks as she takes Madison’s hand and the two women enter the house leaving me, Knox, and Asher out front.

“Well, that’s one way to get rid of them.” Asher chuckles, shaking his head.

“Careful, Ash. If Sam heard you… she’d have your balls.” I reply with soft laughter. Watching as his eyes widen slightly as he turns to me.

“And someone else already has yours dangling around her neck from a chain.”

At his words, I notice Knox’s brows raise slightly as his lips turn up into a small smirk. But I don’t give him a chance. Clearing my throat, I shove my hands into the front pockets of my slacks.

“Better not keep them waiting…”

Asher laughs as I walk past him and Knox, making my way into the house just as Madi and Sam had. The last thing I want to do is go into details with anyone about my private life, and Knox wouldn’t let something like that go. Not that he probably will let the comment Asher just made either.

The moment I step inside, I’m blown away by the finished changes. The house isn’t completely done, but from what I can tell… Kylie is. Every single room a shade of various colors while murals of our town and other aesthetics littered the walls. “Oh, wow…”

“She’s amazing, isn’t she?”

Turning to my left, I spot Dante standing in the doorway of the garage with a glass of something in his hands and a smile on his face as he admires the work Kylie had done. “She really is. She’s done amazing work with this place… Mrs. Kendall would be proud to see it.”

His eyes meet mine with a slight nod. “Indeed. Wait till you see what she’s going to reveal to you guys today. Come on, the girls are in here.”