“What do I mean?” he gasps, his smile widening as he gestures towards the two women who had been at our table. “They’re fucking hot, and the blonde was practically begging for your dick.”
Well, she can keep begging because I’m not interested.
“Perhaps,” I sigh, shaking my head. “But I’m not looking to hook up with anyone. I came here to have drinks with you. One-night stands get boring after a while.”
“Holy shit!” he exclaims, slapping his hand on the table. “Is Jaxson Rivers ready to settle down?”
Was I ready? Is that why my mind seems to be scattered lately?
My mind drifts to Madi. The thought of frosting cupcakes with her in the bakery kitchen, a more appealing thought than just a meaningless one-night stand.
I shrug off his comment, letting my eyes wander around the bar, trying to ignore the laughter that falls off Jesse’s lips. Not saying that I am ready to settle down, but the idea of having another one-night stand just seems… uneventful.
Just as my gaze passes over the bar and towards the main entrance, I spot a familiar face and blonde curls I was hoping I wouldn’t have to see for a very long time.
Fuck… It’s Caitlin.
The last thing I want is to have to deal with her tonight. And the fact that I’ve been dodging every one of her calls means that if she spots me… she isn’t going to let that shit go.
“I’m going to have to cut this short,” I tell Jesse, his eyes meeting mine before gazing towards where Caitlin stands talking to a dark-haired beauty with golden brown skin.
“Oh shit… is that?”
“Yeah,” I reply, not letting him continue that conversation any further. “Call me tomorrow if you want. We can catch up, maybe grab food and you can tell me all about tonight’s conquest.”
Not that I actually care to hear about that, but the last thing I want to do is sound completely rude. He agrees as I slip from the booth. My body moves swiftly through the crowds of people as I keep my eyes trained on Caitlin. Watching as she moves about the room before finally ending up at the table where Jesse is sitting; their casual conversation amusing as his eyes meet mine briefly from across the room, as his hand gestures for me to go.
I’ll owe him for that.
Jesse didn’t know everything that happened between Caitlin and I, but he knew the gist and he agreed with me leaving her, saying basically what Asher himself told me. That I dodged a bullet.
As the cool evening air greets my skin, I close my eyes inhaling deeply before turning towards the valet who quickly runs for my car. As much as I love being in New York, I miss Willowcreek and my friends who are carrying on with their lives. We spent our youth together, and it didn’t hit me until recently that what I’ve been missing since we graduated, is them.
The bonds that we made. The memories that were created. It’s crazy to think that it took Mrs. Kendall dying to show me exactly what I need in my life.
Now the problem is, figuring out how to get it all back.
I can’t wait to get back so we can start filming. But most importantly, so I can see Madi.
I’m going to make it up to her one way or another. I just have to fix everything that Eric broke first…
Chapter Twenty: Madison
“Are you seriously still giving that stupid app a shot?” Sam gasps, her eyes meeting mine with more dramatic flare then needed. The three of us are gathered at the bakery after closing, catching up and grabbing a bite to eat. Kylie and Sam both have been overly busy with their own lives. Kylie with her art and Sam with another event.
“Yes,” I groan shaking my head. “It’s seriously not that big a deal. I mean, you both get dick whenever you want it. I’ve gotta get mine, too!”
“Madi!” Kylie exclaims. “Why do you have to say it like that?”
“Like what?” I question, the corner of my lip lifting into a smirk as I glance at her. I know exactly what she’s referring to. “You mean dick?”
“Yes, that!” she sighs, shoving a piece of a french fry into her mouth. “Why do you have to say it the way you do…”
Laughter escapes both Sam and I as we watch Kylie’s face tinge with pink over my derogatory term. She may be a fiery vixen when she wants tobe, but she is still sweet and innocent at times. One of the many qualities about her that Sam and I love.
“Would you rather me say that I want some sexy blue-collar man to rail me in the bed of his truck until the sun comes up? Or perhaps, you want me to tell you about the dream I had where an Italian guy bent me over his kitchen counter and called me his good little chef as he made me come unglued… twice.”
The memory of the dream drifts through my mind like a swift breeze. There was nothing really memorable about the guy per say, except for his cock and that was because of the prince albert that hit the right spot every time. I literally woke up pissed off because it hadn’t been real.