“Very well,” she mutters with a sigh. “Madison has to be here at all times. And… you can only do this after the bakery is closed for the day. And it better be the way it was when I left it when you’re done otherwise you won’t be filming here… do I make myself clear?”
“Yes, ma’am!” Rander, Jaxson, and I all exclaim at the same time.
“This is wonderful,” Rander says. “I will start drafting up the contracts for everything as soon as I’m back in New York. Jaxson, I expect to see you back soon as well. We need to have you start drafting up those recipes. We will start filming in four months!”
The moment Rander spills the news, my heart sinks. I’d been excited by him filming here because it meant that he was going to be here longer. And every part of me wants to see if there is possibly somethingbetween us. Or I did, but perhaps that was just a premature thought of desperation, curious to know if something could be different than it is.
Rander and Jaxson continue to talk amongst themselves as they head towards the front door of the bakery. My body is unable to move as my mother’s hand falls to mine that sits upon the glass countertop. “Are you okay?”
Am I okay?
Not really. But I won’t tell her that.
Forcing a smile to my face I turn to her with a slight nod of my head. “Yes, I’m great. Just thinking about all these damn cupcakes I have to finish myself now.”
Among other things.
Chapter Seventeen: Jaxson
Ihadn’t expected when I woke up yesterday morning that I, Jaxson Rivers, would be the future of World of Foods’ next television show. I never thought that I’d be as far as I am now. To think that I started out as a no one, and now find myself face to face with my dream opportunity.
It blows my mind.
Rander needed me back in New York, and as much as I wanted to stay in Willowcreek… it wasn’t an option. The fact that Madi had been so willing to help me yesterday made my mind wander in a million different directions. She was excited yesterday and pleaded with her mom to let me work with her in the bakery when we started filming. But then when I left the bakery yesterday after a brief conversation with Allison… Madi didn’t seem pleased at all.
Lifting my phone, I glance down at the unread text message I’d sent her half an hour ago.
Are you okay? I’d really like to thank you for helping me.
That woman is on her phone all the time, and yet—she hadn’t seen my text?
Letting out a heavy breath, I continue to pack up the few things I’d taken out of my suitcase since I’d come back. I only have a few hours until my flight leaves, and things that I need to get done before I go. Like speaking to Knox and Asher about Mrs. Kendall’s kitchen project, and also speaking to Madi.
If she’s free.
Though most importantly, my parent’s faces flash through my mind. The idea that with this new accomplishment, I might finally see a change in them. Something that tells me they are proud of me. Or even just a little support would be nice. After all, it is something I really want to share with them.
Closing my suitcase, I grab my keys and shove my phone into my pocket. Checking out of the hotel is an easy process, and as soon as everything is loaded into my rental, I make my way across town towards my parents’ home.
The moment I pull up, a few of my younger siblings rush out to greet me. Their smiling faces as they hug me, warm my heart. But it’s short-lived as they quickly wave, running off down the road to catch the bus.
I remember those days, saying a quick hello to company before disappearing to hang out with Knox and Asher. Hell, at that age you were lucky to see me home at all outside of school hours. As soon as I got home, it was quickly tackling homework and then out till curfew.
But then again, the less time I had to spend at home the better.
I don’t bother knocking this time, and instead walk straight into the house. My parents’ house is a flurry of chaos as the kids prepare for school. Making my way towards the kitchen, I find my mother in a very similar state that I’d seen her in before.
Hair a mess, baggy t-shirt, and leggings as she packs lunches and finishes breakfast for what I can only assume are the other kids in the house. Perhaps, my sisters?
“Good morning.”
Her eyes meet mine with clear exhaustion. “Jaxson, I wasn’t expecting you this morning.”
“I know. I actually have a flight back to New York in a few hours and I wanted to stop by to see you again. I have something important to tell you.”
She lets out a loud sigh, her eyes turning from mine as she continues to busy herself in the kitchen with what she was doing. “I’m busy this morning, Jaxson. I have to get these kids ready for school.”
Of course, she’s busy.