“The producer from World of Foods… He called yesterday and left a message wanting to do a second interview. My stupid secretary didn’t think it was important to give me that message, something I’ll have to deal with later.”
“Are you serious?” I ask, my mind swirling over the possibility of having another chance to prove myself with him.
“Yes, and he is in your hometown… right now. I don’t think anyone expected him to jump on a plane when my secretary told him where you were… unless it’s not really an interview and he’s more so ready to film a show.”
Shock fills me as my eyes go wide and my mouth drops open. Rander West is in Willowcreek!
In a panic, I move from the kitchen towards the main dining area of the bakery. My mind is rolling over what I need to do, and where to find him, only to come face to face with Rander West himself.
His lightly graying hair and piercing blue eyes are staring at me with a wide white-toothed smile, his arms wide open as he approaches me. “And to think I was just coming to get coffee from the best place in town!”
“I’m hopping on a plane right now!” My agent calls out through the phone. “Don’t agree to anything until I get there.”
Though even with his words I can’t process what’s going on. My mind is completely blank as I stare at the guy in front of me. Just in time to hear Madi’s sweet voice come up from behind me.
“Jaxson, what’s going on?”
Chapter Sixteen: Madison
Seeing Jaxson in my mom’s bakery surprised me. Last night with him at the carnival had been a blast. The entire evening after everyone left reminded me so much of how things were when we were in high school. Back when I could just hang out and have fun.
Standing behind Jaxson, I have no clue what’s going on.
One minute he’s laughing with me and mom in the kitchen, and the next… he’s freaking out. And out in my lobby is another man who looks like he just stepped out of Forbes magazine. The interaction between the two of them completely blows me away.
“Once I heard you had traveled back to your hometown and didn’t have a definite return date, I couldn’t just wait for you to come back!” the man exclaims with slight laughter in his voice. “So, I jumped on a plane andcame here.”
“I’m truly honored,” Jaxson says, slightly hesitant with his words. “I just got off the phone with my agent, who let me know… I understand you want to do another interview.”
“Yes, well, more like have a conversation with you.” He starts gesturing towards a table where the two men take a seat. “We like you, Jaxson. But when it comes to the television business, it isn’t just about liking you. We need more than that. We need an ‘it’ factor. Something to wow the masses.”
The man continues going a mile a minute. Jaxson simply nods to him, lost in the entire conversation, he is unable to get a word out of his own. His mouth opens and closes multiple times, and it’s the first time that I truly see Jaxson rendered speechless while the man talks a mile a minute.
Laughter escapes me as I restock the glass shelving with more baked goods. My mother comes to stand next to me, looking just as confused as I feel.
“What’s going on?” she whispers to me. “Who is that?”
“I’m not entirely sure, but I think he owns a TV show or something and is trying to set Jaxson up with something… I don’t know.”
“Really?” she gasps, her hands clasped together on top of the counter as she watches the interaction between the two men in front of us.
“... we need something outside your normal element, Jaxson. Maybe a location outside the busy city where all other cooking shows seem to take place.” The man continues to carry on, his eyes shifting to the short brunette next to him with a tablet in her hand and a briefcase hanging from a shoulder strap at her side. It sounds like the two of them are trying to find a place where Jaxson can perform his show.
Never in my life have I been privy to witnessing something like this, and from the gazes of a few of our regular customers—neither have they.
“Do they really have to do this here?” my mother whispers to me, causing my brows to furrow.
“Why not? They are just talking.”
She lets out a heavy breath with a roll of her eyes as she places the last of the chocolate cupcakes onto the glass tray on top of the counter. “Yes, but we have customers, Madi. I know Jaxson is your friend and I love him dearly, but the man he is talking to is being overly loud.”
“Must be the city life in him coming out.” I smirk, causing her to roll her eyes again.
“It’s nothing to joke about.”
As much as I love my mother, sometimes she really does make me question if the small-town life is getting to her. I mean, I get it. Rander is rather loud and boisterous with the entire conversation he’s having with Jaxson, but I mean… he’s in the TV business. One could almost expect him to be like that.
“Okay, I’ll see if I can’t help move the conversation along.” I really don’t want to get in the middle of the man and Jaxson’s conversation. But my mother clearly isn’t pleased at the moment, and the regulars are beginning to watch the two’s conversation with too much interest.