Page 43 of Surrendered to Mate

With a last, lingering look at the portal, I turn away. The journey back feels twice as long, my body protesting every movement. But the thought of Faye waiting pushes me onward.

Finally, I break the surface, gulping in unnecessary air as I scan the shoreline. Something's wrong. The beach is empty, no sign of Faye's lithe form or her bow.

"Hey, sweetheart!" I call out, my voice hoarse but I keep my tone teasing. Only the crash of waves answers me.

Dread settles in my stomach as I drag myself onto the sand. Where is she? What could have happened while I was gone?

My muscles scream in protest, but I keep pushing. The adrenaline from my underwater battle is fading, replaced by a bone-deep exhaustion. But as I scan the shoreline, that fatigue vanishes in an instant.

"Faye?" I call out, my voice rough. No answer.

I push to my feet, stumbling across the sand. Something's wrong. The air feels charged, tense. I spot Faye's bow, half-buried near the treeline. My chest tightens.

"Faye!" I shout again, louder this time. Only the crash of waves replies.

I crouch, examining the sand. Footprints everywhere, signs of a struggle. My fingers brush something warm and sticky. Blood. Not much, but enough to send a jolt of panic through me. Especially when I recognize the scent — Faye's.

"No, no, no," I mutter, rising to scan the area again. How long was I gone? What the fuck happened here?

A scrap of fabric catches my eye, snagged on a nearby bush. I recognize it instantly – torn from Faye's tunic. I clutch it in my fist, a growl building in my throat.

Someone took her. Someone dared to lay hands on what's mine.

The thought catches me off guard. When did I start thinking of Faye as mine? But there's no time to dwell on it. Rage boilsup inside me, hot and unfamiliar. I haven't felt anything this intensely in centuries.

I pace the beach, my wings twitching with the need to act. To hunt. To tear apart whoever did this. The feeling is overwhelming, almost frightening in its intensity.

"Get it together," I snarl at myself. I need to think, not just react.

I force myself to take a deep breath, to focus. There has to be a clue, something I'm missing. I retrace my steps, examining every inch of disturbed sand.

That's when I catch it – a scent. Familiar. Sickeningly sweet.

"Darana," I hiss. Of fucking course. That psychotic bitch followed me here.

The realization hits me like a punch to the gut. This is my fault. I led Darana right to Faye. If anything happens to her...

No. I can't think like that. I'll find her. I have to.

I spread my wings, ready to take flight. Darana may have a head start, but she doesn't know these woods like Faye does. And she sure as fuck doesn't know who she's dealing with.



Iwake with a start, my head throbbing and vision blurry. Cold, damp stone presses against my cheek, and the musty scent of earth fills my nostrils. As my eyes adjust to the dim light, panic claws at my chest. This isn't my forest. This isn't my cave.

I try to move, but my wrists and ankles are bound tight. The rough rope bites into my skin as I struggle, heart pounding. Where am I? What happened?

A low chuckle echoes through the darkness, sending ice down my spine. I freeze, every muscle tense as I strain to see into the shadows.

"Well, well. The little forest rodan is awake."

A figure emerges from the gloom, and my breath catches in my throat. It's her - the woman who attacked me on the beach. Pale skin, platinum hair, eyes like shards of ice. Darana, I think she said.

She crouches before me, lips curled in a cruel smile. "Not so tough now, are we?"

I want to spit in her face, to show her I'm not afraid. But terror grips me, memories of my time in Liiandor flooding back. The chains, the pain, the helplessness.