I stand, tucking the tablet securely into my pack. The mission to gather intelligence on Liiandor suddenly feels insignificant compared to this discovery. The Council needs to know about this, but something tells me I shouldn't rush back just yet.

There's more to uncover here, I'm certain of it. And whatever this tablet is, whatever power it's connected to, I have a feeling it's going to change everything.

I just didn't realize how immediate that was going to be until the ground starts to tremble beneath my feet and my ears pick up on the faint — but distinct — something I do not want to have to fight.

But with the way the tablet warms through my pack, I don't think I will have much of a choice.



Ipull out the tablet fragment, its weight oddly comforting in my hand. The symbols etched into its surface pulse with an eerie light, growing brighter by the second. Something's not right.

A low, guttural growl reverberates through the forest, making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Fuck. Just as I feared, I've triggered something, and whatever it is, it's big.

The tablet's glow intensifies, reacting to... whatever's out there. I quickly stash it away in my pack, my eyes scanning the shadows between the trees. That's when I see it.

A massive thlii emerges from the darkness, its bloated form easily the size of a small house. Its mottled, warty skin glistens with a sickly sheen, and I can see the pulsing of internal organs beneath its translucent hide. The creature's eyes, bulbous and unblinking, fix on me with predatory intent.

"Well, aren't you a beauty," I mutter, dropping my pack and reaching for the blade on my back.

The thlii's mouth gapes open, revealing rows of needle-like teeth. A foul stench washes over me, a mix of rotting vegetationand something far worse. Its throat bulges ominously, and I know what's coming next.

I dive to the side just as a gout of flame erupts from the creature's maw, scorching the spot where I'd been standing. The heat sears my skin even from a distance, and I can hear the sizzle of burning foliage.

"Fuck me, you're a big bastard," I growl, brandishing my blade.

The thlii turns its massive bulk towards me, surprisingly agile for something so grotesque. Its webbed feet leave deep impressions in the forest floor as it advances, each step sending tremors through the ground.

I spread my wings, ready to take to the air if needed. But in this dense forest, my aerial advantage is limited. I'll have to be smart about this.

The thlii lunges forward, its massive jaws snapping shut inches from my face. I roll to the side, feeling the rush of displaced air as it misses me by a hair's breadth. Something's off about this creature's behavior, but I can't put my finger on it just yet.

I take to the air, my wings straining against the dense canopy. The thlii's bulbous eyes follow my every move, its neck craning unnaturally to keep me in sight. That's when it hits me - this thing isn't acting on instinct alone.

"You're not just hungry, are you?" I mutter, dodging another burst of flame.

The thlii's movements are precise but jerky, its eyes unfocused. It's as if it's being guided by an unseen hand, not watching me. My mind races back to the tablet, still safely tucked away in my pack on the ground. Could it be...?

I dive down, snatching my pack just as the thlii's webbed foot comes crashing down where it lay. The creature lets out afrustrated bellow, its entire body quivering with rage. But it's not rage directed at me - it's fixated on the pack.

"It's the tablet, isn't it?" I say, more to myself than the beast. "You're after the damn tablet."

The thlii's eyes flash with an unnatural light, confirming my suspicions. This isn't a random encounter - it's a guardian, enchanted to protect the artifact I've just pilfered.

I weigh my options quickly. I could try to outrun it, but in this dense forest, that's a risky gamble. Fighting it head-on is a pain in my ass but doable. But if it's enchanted...

An idea forms in my mind, dangerous and potentially stupid, but it might just work. I reach into my pack, feeling the smooth surface of the tablet fragment. The symbols pulse against my fingers, reacting to my touch.

"Alright, you ugly bastard," I growl, pulling out the tablet. "Let's see how you handle this."

I hold the tablet fragment aloft, its symbols pulsing with an otherworldly light. The thlii's eyes lock onto it, a mixture of hunger and fury evident in its grotesque features. For a moment, we're locked in a standoff, neither of us moving.

Then everything descends into chaos.

The thlii charges, its massive bulk defying physics as it barrels towards me with alarming speed. I leap to the side, my wings unfurling instinctively to carry me further from danger. The beast's momentum carries it past me, its bloated body slamming into a thick tree trunk. The impact shakes the forest, sending a shower of leaves raining down around us.

"Come on, you overgrown brox," I taunt, brandishing the tablet. "Is that the best you've got?"