But when I don't respond, her eyes darken, her nails breaking skin and her magic lashing out at me. I gasp, my body shuddering as it takes the brunt of the impact. I swear I can feel muscle tearing, bruises forming, blood spilling down my skin. Pain overtakes me until it's all I can think of.
I grit my teeth, fighting against the waves of pain washing over me. Darana's magic tears through my body, leaving fire in its wake. But I won't break. I can't.
"He cares about me," I spit out, tasting blood. "More than he ever cared about you."
Darana's eyes flash with fury. Her magic strikes out, and this time bones snap. My muscles tear apart, and I gasp, trying not to vomit at the way my body is breaking, still bound with these harsh ropes.
"Liar!" she shrieks, grabbing my hair and yanking my head back. "You're nothing to him. Just a pathetic human plaything."
I close my eyes, focusing on memories of Cassius. His rare smile, the way his eyes softened when he looked at me. The gentleness in his touch, so at odds with his fearsome strength.
"You're wrong," I whisper, opening my eyes to glare at her. "He's changed. With me, he feels-"
Her magic slams into me again, stealing my breath. It feels like my insides are being shredded, my bones splintering. I bite my lip to keep from screaming, refusing to give her the satisfaction.
"Feels?" Darana laughs, the sound sharp and bitter. "You fool. Vrakken don't feel. Especially not Cassius."
She leans in close, her breath hot on my ear. "Do you know how many times he's fucked me? How many ways he's made me scream his name?"
The words cut deeper than her physical attacks, doubt creeping in despite my best efforts. What if she's right? What if I'm just another in a long line of conquests?
No. I shake my head, remembering the vulnerability in Cassius's eyes when he opened up to me. The way he protected me, cared for me.
"You're lying," I growl, meeting her gaze. "He might not have felt with you, but he does with me."
Rage contorts Darana's features. Her magic flares again, and another bone snaps. My ribs start to crack, pushing into my abdomen, and bile and blood teases at the back of my throat. "I'll make you regret those words, you little bitch."
Blood splatters over my lips as I cough, fighting the way she's ripping me apart. But there is nothing I can do as she slowly dismantles me, making sure I feel every second.
"He'll come for me," I rasp, clinging to that belief. "And when he does, you'll see."
Darana's eyes narrow. "Oh, I'm counting on it. And when he does..." Her lips curl into a cruel smile. "I'll make him watch as I tear you apart, piece by piece."
Another rib snaps. Another cough spills blood down my chest. And all the while she stands there, grinning as she watches.
"I said I'd make sure you were still breathing when he got here…" Something slams into the side of my head, nearly blacking me out. My eye throbs, already swelling, and my throat is raw and sore from the choking as I cough up more blood. "But that doesn't mean you won't be on the brink of death."
I can barely keep my eyes open as Darana circles me, her magic crackling in the air. Every breath is agony, my broken ribsstabbing into my lungs. Blood trickles from my lips, metallic and warm.
"Time for the grand finale, little rodan," Darana purrs, her eyes gleaming with malice. "Let's see how much more you can take before Cassius arrives."
She raises her hand, magic swirling around her fingers like smoke. I brace myself, knowing whatever comes next will be excruciating. Part of me hopes I'll pass out, find some escape from the pain. But a stronger part refuses to give in. I won't let her break me.
"Any last words?" Darana asks, her lips curled in a cruel smile.
I gather what little strength I have left, glaring up at her through my one good eye. "Fuck you."
Her face twists with rage. "You fucking wish."
The magic builds, crackling and hissing. I can feel its heat on my skin, promising agony beyond anything I've experienced. I close my eyes, thinking of Cassius. But my mind is so muddled, I can barely cling on.
Suddenly, a deafening roar shakes the cave. My eyes snap open as a gust of wind whips through the chamber, extinguishing the torches. Darana whirls around, her spell dissipating as she stares wide-eyed at the cave entrance.
There, silhouetted against the fading light, stands Cassius. His wings are fully extended, filling the opening. His eyes blaze with an otherworldly fury, more terrifying than anything I've ever seen.
"Cassius," Darana breathes, a mixture of fear and excitement in her voice.
He steps into the cave, shadows clinging to him like a second skin. The air crackles with power, making my hair stand on end. His gaze locks onto me, and for a moment, I see anguish flash across his features.