I'm running, my heart pounding in my chest like a caged animal desperate to break free. Smoke fills my lungs, burning with each ragged breath. The heat of the flames licks at my heels, urging me forward through the maze-like corridors of my master's mansion.
His voice booms behind me, filling me with terror. I can almost feel his cruel hands grabbing at me, ready to drag me back. To punish me. And this time I'm not sure I will survive.
Screams filter through the air as everyone in the mansion suffers. Suffers because of me. I can hardly breathe my fear and guilt but I have to find a way out.
I round a corner, hope surging as I spot the window at the end of the hall that isn't blocked. Freedom is so close I can taste it, mingling with the acrid smoke on my tongue. But as I sprint towards my salvation, a deafening crack splits the air.
The ceiling groans, and before I can react, a massive wooden beam crashes down in front of me. I skid to a stop, panic clawing at my throat as I realize I'm trapped. Frantically, I search for another way out, but the walls seem to close in around me, the smoke thickening until I can barely see.
"No, no, no," I whimper, tears cutting tracks through the soot on my cheeks. I try to squeeze past the debris, splinters digging into my skin as I push and pull with all my might. But it won't budge.
The fire roars closer, and I can hear my master's heavy footsteps approaching. Sweat and ash coat my body, making me feel dirty and used all over again. I'm going to die here, or worse, be dragged back into that life of misery and abuse.
The walls crumble inward, and I scream as chunks of burning wood and stone rain down around me. I curl into a ball, squeezing my eyes shut as the world collapses. This is it. This is the end.
My eyes snap open, a gasp tearing from my throat as I bolt upright. For a moment, I'm disoriented, the lingering terror of my dream making my heart race. Then I feel a presence beside me and instinctively lash out.
"Whoa, easy there, sweetheart," a familiar voice says, and I blink rapidly, my vision clearing to reveal Cassius kneeling next to me, his hands raised in a placating gesture.
I struggle to breathe, my lungs burning as I suck in deep gulps of air. The forest around me swims in and out of focus, my heart pounding so hard I fear it might burst from my chest.
Sweat coats my skin, making me shiver despite the warm night air. I can still smell the smoke, taste the ash on my tongue.
"Faye, it's okay. You're safe." Cassius's voice cuts through the panic, but I can't seem to latch onto it. My fingers dig into the earth beneath me, desperate for an anchor to reality.
I feel his hand on my back, the touch sending a jolt through me. For a moment, I tense, old fears rising to the surface. But then his cool palm starts moving in soothing circles, and I lean into it, craving the comfort.
And yet, my gasping won't settle. Not even with my vrakken protector here at my side. No one can save me from this.
From what I've done.
Suddenly, I'm weightless. Cassius lifts me effortlessly, cradling me against his chest as he settles me in his lap. His wings unfurl, enveloping us in a cocoon of soft darkness. The world shrinks to just us, the steady beat of his heart against my ear drowning out the lingering echoes of my nightmare.
I press my face into his bare chest, his skin cool and smooth beneath my feverish cheek. My fingers clutch at him, needing something solid to hold onto as the last tendrils of terror slowly release their grip on me.
"That's it, sweetheart," Cassius murmurs, his breath stirring my hair. "Just breathe with me."
I focus on matching my ragged breaths to his calm, steady ones. Gradually, the vise around my chest loosens. The phantom scent of smoke fades, replaced by Cassius's unique scent.
As my panic subsides, exhaustion crashes over me. I sag against Cassius, my body trembling with leftover adrenaline. His arms tighten around me, one hand coming up to stroke my hair.
"Do you want to talk about it?" he asks softly.
I burrow deeper into his embrace, letting the steady thrum of his heartbeat keep me calm. He's the only thing keeping me from losing my mind.
"You don't have to," he murmurs, one hand moving on my back as he rests his chin on top of my head. His other arm is wrapped around my waist as he keeps me firmly pressed close to him.
And I can see the options I have here. I could shut down. I could push him out. I could keep suffering in silence.
Or I could let him in.
I take a deep, shuddering breath, my fingers curling tighter against Cassius's skin. The words stick in my throat, but I force them out.
"I was just a kid when they took me," I whisper, my voice barely audible. "I don't even remember my parents. The dark elves, they..." I swallow hard. "They raided the village and killed them. But not me. Not the children."