"What the-" Another elf starts, but I'm already moving.
I duck under a wild swing, driving my fist into the second elf's solar plexus. As he doubles over, gasping, I bring my knee up hard into his face. The crunch of bone is sickeningly satisfying.
An arrow whizzes past my ear, and I spin to face the archer. He's already nocking another, his violet eyes wide with shock and fear. I lunge forward, using my wings to propel me faster than he can track. My sword finds his throat just as he looses the arrow.
Pain explodes in my side. The fourth elf, a burly warrior with a wicked-looking axe, has flanked me. I stagger, feeling warm blood seep down my ribs.
"Vrakken scum," he spits, raising his axe for another blow.
I grit my teeth, forcing my tired body to move. I parry his strike, the impact jarring my arms. We trade blows, neither gaining the upper hand. My vision starts to blur, the blood loss taking its toll.
A shout from behind me - the fifth elf, I'd almost forgotten. I risk a glance back and see him weaving a spell, his hands glowing with chaotic energy.
I feint left, then dive right, narrowly avoiding the axe as it cleaves the air where I'd been standing. The spell-caster's eyes widen as I barrel towards him. He releases the spell, a bolt of crackling energy that singes my hair as I duck under it.
I'm on him before he can cast again, my sword piercing his chest. He gurgles, blood bubbling from his lips, and I yank my blade free.
The axe-wielder roars, charging at me with reckless abandon. I spin to face him, but my injured side screams in protest. I stumble, my guard dropping for just a moment.
It's enough. The axe bites deep into my shoulder, and I cry out in agony. My sword clatters to the ground as my arm goes numb.
The dark elf grins, victory gleaming in his eyes as he raises his axe for the killing blow. I grit my teeth, every muscle screaming in protest as I force myself to move. The axe whistles through the air, and I barely manage to roll away. Pain lances through my body, my burned skin cracking and oozing. I have no magic for a sun glamour.
But I can't stop. I won't let these bastards win.
The dark elf growls in frustration, hefting his axe for another swing. I scramble for my sword, my fingers closing around the hilt just as he brings the weapon down. Metal shrieks against metal as I parry, the impact sending shockwaves up my arm.
"Just die already!" he snarls, spittle flying from his lips.
I bare my teeth in a feral grin. It seems these dark elves don't remember everything from the war. Because I can't die, not by his hand. But I won't remind him that. "You first, asshole."
We trade blows, a deadly dance of steel and desperation. My movements are sluggish, my strength waning with each passing second. But I refuse to yield. The forest around us blurs into a haze of green and brown, my world narrowing to the glint of the axe and the hate-filled eyes of my opponent.
Suddenly, a shout pierces the air. "Stop, or the human dies!"
My head whips around, and my heart lurches. One of the dark elves I thought I'd killed is on his feet, dragging a struggling Faye forward. Blood streams from a gash on his forehead, but his grip on Faye is iron-tight, a wicked dagger pressed against her throat.
"Cassius!" Faye cries out, her eyes wide with fear and... something else. Concern? For me?
The momentary distraction costs me. Pain explodes in my side as the axe-wielder's boot connects with my ribs. I stumble, gasping for air.
"Drop your weapon, vrakken," the elf holding Faye demands. "Or I'll paint the forest with her blood."
Time seems to slow. I look at Faye, at the terror in her eyes, at the thin line of red where the dagger presses against her skin. Something stirs within me, a feeling I can't quite name. It cuts through the apathy, igniting a fierce, protective instinct I didn't know I possessed.
In that moment, I make a choice.
I lunge forward, my body moving faster than I thought possible in my weakened state. The axe-wielder, caught off guard by my sudden movement, swings wildly. I see it coming, see the trajectory that will take it straight for Faye's exposed back.
Without hesitation, I throw myself between them. The axe bites deep into my shoulder, and I scream in agony. But Faye is safe. That's all that matters.
The world around me fades to a dull roar as I stagger to my feet. My vision narrows, focusing solely on the dark elves threatening Faye. A primal rage courses through me, overriding the pain and exhaustion.
I move with inhuman speed, tearing the dagger-wielding elf away from Faye. My hands close around his throat, squeezing until I hear the satisfying crunch of his windpipe. The axe-wielder charges at me, but I'm ready. I duck under his swing and drive my fist into his gut, following up with a vicious uppercut that snaps his head back.
The remaining elf tries to flee, but I'm on him in an instant. My teeth sink into his neck, but I recoil almost immediately, gagging on the foul taste of his blood. Disgusted, I snap his neck instead.