Kendrick’s instincts to take her right away might get her killed. Addison’s only hope at remaining unnoticed was for him to keep away from her until afterward.

Part of him whispered that if he did the scent-marking and let his mating frenzy go, he could keep her home and out of danger.

Probably not the best way to start a mating, he told himself dryly. And as much as Kendrick did not want to admit it, the others were right—Addison as an unknown had the best chance to get close to the Shifters Ben had overheard and see what the hell they were up to.

A leopard sprang out of a wash and loped along beside him, sending him a challenging look. Kendrick quickened his pace, then broke into a run, letting the impromptu race drag him from his thoughts.

Jaycee was fast, and she could outrun even Kendrick. She sprinted past him, then spun around in the dirt and met him face-to-face.

Kendrick stopped, dust flying up from under his paws. He growled at her, and Jaycee snarled back. Then Jaycee dropped down and rolled onto her back, showing submission. Kendrick brushed his breath over her, acknowledging, and gave the top of her head a nuzzle.

Jaycee stretched up and started licking his face. Kendrick backed a step but she kept it up. The tiger in him liked it—she was being affectionate as well as indicating her loyalty to him.

Kendrick shifted to human. Usually Jaycee would stop her licking when he did that, but today, she kept on, her tongue like sandpaper on his skin.

“Cease,” Kendrick growled. She’d take off a layer if she didn’t stop.

Jaycee shifted to her human form, coming to her feet with her arms around Kendrick, the licking turning to kissing.

She prodded at his mouth with hers, darting her tongue between his lips. She gave one swipe into his mouth before Kendrick could push her away.

“No,” he said.

The hurt in Jaycee’s eyes pained him, but Kendrick had never felt for her what she wanted him to.

Jaycee hung on to him. “If your scent is all over me and mine all over you, no one will pay attention to Addie. You know this.”

Kendrick took Jaycee by the shoulders and pressed her gently aside. “Not the point.”

“Kendrick, I love you.”

“No.” Kendrick shook his head. He brushed her cheek, his task as leader to reassure her even as he pushed her away. “I’m your leader. It’s natural. I love you in return. But not as mate.”

“I know.” Jaycee’s mouth firmed. “It’s painfully obvious you don’t want me that way. I’ve been true to you for years, was there for you when Eileen died, loved you through everything. Now, you see a cute human woman, and all that’s for nothing. I don’t understand. You hate humans.”

“I can’t explain it.” Kendrick thought of Addison’s ready smile, her sassy mouth, the softness of her when she held him.

Addison expected nothing from him, Kendrick realized. Demanded nothing. She looked at Kendrick as an equal, as a partner. But she stood on her own.

Jaycee would always demand. She was that kind of person. Everything given was payment for something she wanted in return. Addison gave without hope of reward.

Kendrick had watched Jaycee since she’d passed her Transition. She was courageous, dedicated, and loyal, fiercely so. He’d hoped she’d find happiness with Dimitri, who’d been friends with her since cubhood, but the two had never paired up. He suspected they’d had sex together, though he wasn’t certain, but their relationship had never cemented.

Kendrick felt sorry for Jaycee, but at the same time his impatience returned. She’d expected him to devote himself to her after Eileen’s death, when he’d been barely able to breathe. Jaycee had not hidden her anger when he hadn’t reciprocated her desire.