“No, it isn’t,” Addison broke in quickly. “I’m feeling bad about leaving my sister alone, that’s all. I knew I couldn’t stay here forever.”

“Why?” Kendrick demanded. “Why can’t you stay?” Robbie’s wolf howls increased, an eardrum-piercing pitch.

Addison shouted over them. “Why? Because I have a life.”

“The life where you work low-paying waitress jobs, go home, get up, and start all over again?” Kendrick snarled. “That’s what you told me.”

“Don’t throw that back at me.” Addison pointed her forefinger at him. “It’s a better life than many people get. Plus I love my sister and kids, and they need me.”

“I need you.” Kendrick moved swiftly to her. “Get that through your head, Addison. Grab your things out of Charlie’s truck and put them back in our room.”

Addison didn’t move, except to lower her hand. “And if I choose not to?” she asked.

“You. Can’t. Choose. Not to.” The words jerked out of Kendrick, his desperation growing. He couldn’t let her out of his sight, and he couldn’t safely be around her either. This was going to kill him.

“Way to woo a girl, Kendrick,” Addison said, sparks in her eyes. “Who can resist commands and an implication that she’s slow on the uptake?”

“What?” Kendrick had no idea what she was talking about. Addison belonged with him, the cubs loved her, he needed her, end of discussion. Why Dimitri looked like he wanted to burst out laughing, Kendrick didn’t know. A second ago Dimitri had been tight with pain.

Jaycee, on the other hand, looked ashamed. Kendrick didn’t know the why of that either. In fact, the only being in this group who didn’t look tense was Tiger.

“Fine,” Kendrick said, his voice hardening. “I’ll woo you. Addison Price, under the light of the Father God and in front of witnesses, I claim you as mate.”


“What?” Jaycee’s shriek jangled Addie’s nerves worse than Robbie’s howls—which had cut off abruptly as soon as his foster father had said the words, I claim you as mate. “Kendrick, you can’t!” Jaycee cried.

Zane started yowling again, and Brett morphed to human and threw his fists in the air. “Yesss! I told you she was going to be our new mom!”

Addie waved her hands. “Hold on a sec, hold on a sec. I have no idea what that all means.”

Dimitri boomed a laugh. “He mate-claimed you, sw-sweetie. This is awesome.”

Addie felt herself losing control of her life, of everything, very fast. “What the hell is a mate-claim?”

“It means that I desire you to be my mate,” Kendrick said. “I put my claim on you so all others will know you’re no longer fair game. In time, we will go through ceremonies, one under the sun, one under the full moon, and join as one.”

“We will, will we?” Addie’s stomach had squeezed into a tight ball. “Says who?”

“Tell her she can refuse it,” Jaycee said quickly. “Don’t leave that part out.”

“Suck it up, Jaycee,” Dimitri cut in, sounding happy. “It’s Kendrick’s choice, not yours.”

“I’m just saying, he can’t force her. She should know that.”

Kendrick remained silent, watching Addie with eyes that gave nothing away. The look eased the tightness in Addie’s stomach, but her thoughts spun in confusion. She and Kendrick needed to have a very, very long talk.

The look on Jaycee’s face was unmistakable—Kendrick’s declaration had been a blow to her. Addie hadn’t imagined her flash of despair. That despair made Addie speak gently instead of shouting as she wanted to.