Addison wrapped her arms around him, no inhibitions, no hesitation. Just love and joy. Her kiss tasted of the champagne the Frenchwoman and her husband had brought—apparently they did this sort of thing all the time.

She also tasted of Addison, of the goodness of her, and the sass, and the strength. Kendrick had been empty for a while, and Addison had come to fill those aching spaces. His heart held fire as he felt the true mate bond strengthening between them.

Zander strode by them, his duster floating out behind him. “Guess I wasn’t needed. Thank the Goddess. Now, I’ve got to go. Things to do.” He whirled around and pointed both forefingers at them. “Later, kids.”

“What things?” Addison called after him. “How will you get wherever you’re going?”

Zander only swung away and kept striding, waving a hand as he went. He disappeared into the city streets and the morning light.

“He’s totally crazy,” Kendrick said. “Always will be.”

“He saved your life,” Addison said, watching Zander’s fluttering coat in the distance. “So I think he’s the most wonderful Shifter alive.”

Kendrick feigned a frown. “Wait—have I already slipped in your hierarchy?”

Addison gave him an innocent look. “Of course not. You’re my mate—and you need to teach me whatever the hell that’s going to mean exactly. And I love you.” She touched his lips. “I really do, Kendrick.”

“Good.” The word rang strong into the morning. “Then let’s go the hell home.”

*   *   *

Zander made it to the Austin Shiftertown after hitching a ride with two young women who were very cute and astonishingly friendly. They waved him good-bye outside Shiftertown, expressing interest in meeting up with him again.

Zander ignored the stares of the Austin Shifters, many of whom were blearily wandering off to bed in the light of day.

He knew the way to the large bungalow in the middle of the Shiftertown. Before he approached the front door, it flew open, and a small boy with white hair ran out.

“Zander!” the cub, Olaf, shouted.

Zander grinned at him, his heart lightening. He reached the cub and they bumped fists, first Olaf on top, then Zander. “My man,” Zander said. He grinned at the watching she-bear and her soldier mate who had come out onto the porch, then returned his attention to Olaf. “We polar bears gotta stick together, right?”

Olaf, a lad of few words, alone in the world like Zander was, threw his arms around Zander and held on tight.

*   *   *

Addie was right that Kendrick would love her savagely when they made it home. He ensured the cubs were fine, that Charlie and the Shifters left behind had taken care of them well. Brett and Zane were excited and demanded to know the full story, so it was a while before Robbie suggested they run off with Charlie and let their father rest.

Kendrick more or less shoved Addison into the bedroom, and his hard fingers all but tore off her clothing. His sweatpants and T-shirt he’d borrowed from one of the bear Shifters slid off quickly.

Addie found herself on her back, her mate on top of her. Kendrick pinned her with rough hands, fingers clamped around her wrists. He didn’t prepare her this time, only slid inside her, thrusting as though he couldn’t stop himself. Groans came from his throat, blending with Addie’s.

They loved in frantic silence, need tearing at them. Fear and pain, death and darkness, had gone, and they’d survived. They took each other, holding hard, until their throats were hoarse with their cries, bodies exhausted. Then Kendrick gathered Addie into his arms, bowed his head into her shoulder, and held on to her until he stopped shaking.