Sean let out a slow breath.He’s right. They aren’t worth the aggravation.

The women didn’t notice Sean’s mood shift or the brief exchange between Sawyer and Sean. They continued rattling on about their favorite scary movies and why.The Sixth Senseranked high on both their lists as didThe Conjuring.

Sean glanced over at the three of them.One day, I’m going to ask him what his beef with shifters is. While I’m at it, I’m going to ask him how he found out that Sawyer and I are shifters. It’s not like we advertise.

He shook his head slightly to shake the thoughts out of his mind and focused his attention back on the conversation.

“If you think the mountain is cursed, why did you two decide to come here?” Sawyer asked.

Marcie and Ellie looked at each other before Marcie grinned. “We love visiting haunted and cursed places. We’ve been to a lot of different places, like the Villisca Axe Murder House in Iowa, Pennhurst Asylum in Pennsylvania, and the Ohio State Reformatory.”

A disappointed look crossed Ellie’s face. “We didn’t see a single ghost anywhere. No one poked us, no cold spots, and no ghost told us to get out.”

“Hopefully, nothing fulfills the idea that this mountain is cursed while we’re here,” Sawyer said. “I’m here for some rest and relaxation.”

Ellie put her arm around Sawyer’s shoulder. “We’ll protect you.”

After dessert was finished and Sawyer paid the bill for the table, Sean yawned. “Ladies, it has been an enchanting evening, but I’m exhausted. It’s time for bed. We’ll probably see you tomorrow.”

Marcie looked disappointed but nodded. Sean felt eyes on his back as the four of them walked out of the dining room together. Marcie gave Sean an impromptu kiss on his cheek before heading off to the women’s cabin.

Sawyer lightly punched Sean in the shoulder. “Well, wasn’t that interesting? You probably could have had a most enjoyable evening.”

“Likely so, although I’m not one for casual sex. You could have scored with Ellie.”

“I’m too tired.”

The hot shower massaged Sean’s aching muscles and he was completely relaxed when he slid between the sheets. He slept so hard and deep that he was surprised when the first rays of the sun shined through the window.

Sawyer was already in the kitchen with a hot cup of coffee when Sean walked in.

“I was thinking about a run on the mountains before breakfast.”

Sean nodded. “That sounds awesome.”

After draining the coffee, they shifted. Sawyer stood on his back legs and used his paws to pull the door shut. They had double-checked that it wasn’t locked before they left because it would be hard to explain how two naked men were locked out of their cabin at the same time.

Sean made sure to run right in front of Xyla’s cabin, knowing that the wolf prints would piss them off to no end.

“A little petty there?” Sawyer asked telepathically.

Sean lifted his nose in the air and yipped into the cold air. The mountain was beautiful. The two elk, one moose, and big horn sheep they encountered seemed to know that they weren’t hunting and didn’t shy away. Snowshoe rabbits hopped around and white-tailed ptarmigan flew above and called at Sean and Sawyer.

The run was invigorating. They made sure no one was looking as they opened the door to their cabin and slipped inside.

Sean rubbed his stomach. “I’m starving.”

“That seems to be a constant issue with you. I’m surprised that you aren’t five hundred pounds, considering that you own a bar and grill.”

“I’m always moving. That’s the secret. The calories don’t have time to stick to me.”

“If that’s your story. Let’s go eat.”

They both enjoyed a four-egg omelet and a short stack of pancakes for breakfast.

Sean ate the last bite and finished his orange juice. “I think I’m ready for a nap.”

“No naps until we make a couple of ski runs. You can sleep when you’re dead.”