“I was thinking that it would be nice to spend the night in the cabin with Sean.” Xyla’s voice was very calm.
She started to take off her coat. Sean felt everyone’s eyes staring at them in shock – well, almost everyone’s. Sawyer was smiling.
Elliot snarled. “How dare you spend the night with this dirty, filthy wolf shifter. He’s not even a human.”
Sean’s heart sank. He waited for someone in the group to say or do something, but was surprised when no one moved or made a sound. No one seemed to care whether he was a shifter or not. They simply watched the drama play out.
William walked over to them, raised his cane, and put it across Elliot’s gut. “I’ve about had it with you, sir.” The old man’s voice was hard and he enunciated every word. “Why don’t you take an armload of wood to your cabin and stay there. Your boy or Xyla can take your meals to you, and the rest of us won’t have to suffer from your disgusting and disrespectful behavior and nasty mouth.”
Elliot’s jaw dropped. His face turned red and he clenched his fists so tightly that his knuckles turned white, and Sean was afraid that he was going to punch William.
“Everyone here has been trying to make the best of a difficult situation and you alone have been unbearable. I’ve had enough of you and I dare you to say one more word.”
The group stared at the confrontation, ready to jump Elliot if he so much as twitched and acted like he was going to touch William.
Elliot’s jaw moved as though he was trying to say something, but nothing came out. The angry man looked around at the crowd, knowing that he stood alone. Elliot snapped his jaw shut, stormed into the bedroom, and slammed the door shut.
William growled and shook his head. “I’ve got half a mind to go in there and give him a good thrashing.”
The room was completely silent, except for the sounds emanating from the hearth and the wind whistling outside.
The old man looked at Sean and grinned. “A wolf shifter, huh? Well, I’ll be. I haven’t run into one of you fellas in a long time.”
Sean smiled at him.
William slapped him on the back and said, “Franny’s going to be angry if we don’t get in there and eat while the food’s warm.”
Xyla and Sean exchanged glances.
She put her hand on his arm. “I’m so sorry.”
“No worries. I expected it. I’m actually happy that you faced him.”
“It felt good.” She looked around the room. “No one seems to care that you’re a shifter.”
“That’s because they got to know me before they found out and know I’m a good guy. Now, I’m starving. Someone had me work up quite the appetite.”
Sawyer joined them at the table. “Well, that went better than I thought it would. I was expecting you to have to put the man on the ground.” He cast an apologetic glance at Xyla. “Sorry.”
“Don’t apologize. He needs to be taken down a peg or two.”
Edward looked worriedly at Sean. “I don’t want to go in there tonight.”
Sean put his hand on the boy’s shoulder. “You can sleep in our room.”
After breakfast the four of them went outside to play catch for a while and then went back inside for a couple exciting games ofUnountil lunch.
Edward finished his cheeseburger and fries and said, “I’m bored.”
“Are you now? I have an idea. I’ll be right back.”
Sawyer got up and talked to William. The old man looked at the table and then nodded. Sawyer returned with a huge smile on his face.
“William has some snow shoes that you and Xyla can use. Sean and I have our own. How about if we teach you two how to snowshoe?”
Edward’s eyes lit up. “Awesome. Can we, Xyla?”
“If they promise not to laugh at me when I fall down.”