“She’s a nice enough girl, but I’m not interested in getting intimate with her. I’m saving myself for someone special.”

“Sawyer, my friend, that ship has sailed.”

“No, virginity is a frame of mind. Besides, Rene Descartes said, ‘I think, therefore I am.’ I think I’m a virgin, therefore I am a virgin.”

Sean groaned. “Oh, brother. You are terrible.”

“Thank you. I’m also hungry, and it’s lunchtime.”

They enjoyed Franny’s chili and homemade cornbread. It was clear that after everyone ate, people were restless.

Sean stood up. “I think this calls for a war. I suggest we form teams to build snow forts outside and create arsenals of snowballs. Then, we have an all-out war.”

A few of them looked at him skeptically, but he grinned back at them.

“Come on, guys. Think about it. We’ll go outside, split into teams, build some forts, stockpile ammunition, and then go at it. It’ll be the best snowball war this mountain has ever seen. Besides, it beats sitting inside, twiddling our thumbs.”

Darren raised his fist in the air. “Great idea. War has been declared. I’m in.”

All of the guests, except Elliot, pulled on their coats and other winter clothing and headed outside. Sawyer, Edward, and Sean made up one team. The women made a third team, and Darren, Tristan, and Blake formed the third team.

“Everyone has two hours to build their forts and stockpile as many snowballs as you possibly can. After that, it’s war,” Sean called.

“Alright, Edward. Do you want to help make the foundation for the fort or start making snowballs?”

“Snowballs,” he shouted.

“Alright. Make us enough that we can win this war. Pack them tightly.”

Edward immediately started scooping snow into his hands enthusiastically. “I’m going to make huge snowballs. They’ll never know what hit them.”

Sawyer laughed. “Don’t make them so big that we can’t throw them.”

“I won’t.”

For the next two hours, the three of them worked furiously. Sawyer and Sean packed snow and made a solid wall that was sure to deflect the onslaught of their mortal enemies. Edward continued to produce ammunition like a little snowball manufacturing company.

By the time the two hours were up, they had a strong fort and a huge stash of ammunition.

Sean stood up and threw the first snowball at Xyla, catching her right in the face. “I declare war on you miscreants.”

Laughter filled the air as people ducked behind their forts, armed themselves, lobbed their ammunition, and got hit. Sean couldn’t remember the last time he had so much fun, ducking from incoming snowballs and returning fire.

The three of them fought hard but soon found themselves surrounded by the members of the other two teams. It seemed that they had formed an alliance.

By the time the fight was over, all ten of them looked like walking snow creatures. Laughing, they walked toward the front door.

Ginny saw them coming and stepped outside with a couple of brooms. “None of you guys are coming inside looking like that. You guys are going to sweep yourselves off first.”

They walked back into the yard and took turns sweeping each other off. By the time they finished, there was a huge new pile of snow. The group went back to the door and Ginny decided that they were decent enough to come inside.

Edward hugged Sean and said, “Thanks. That was the best ever.”

“Glad you had fun, Kiddo.”

The boy quickly shed his outerwear and ran into the dining room in search of hot chocolate and marshmallows. The rest of the group followed suit until he and Xyla were left alone in the foyer.

She smiled at him and Sean’s heart skipped a beat. Her eyes were warm and full of an emotion that he didn’t dare name. She had changed so much since their first couple of days at the resort.