“Sean. Oh, Lord, Sean,” she whispered.

A small scream escaped as the inferno overtook her. The velvety walls pulsated around Sean’s shaft and a river of hot, creamy liquid poured over him. He began to throb inside of her, sending a geyser of his hot seed deep inside of her.

After a moment, when she was spent, she collapsed next to him. He pulled her close and she rested her head on his chest. She could hear his heart beating. Xyla loved how the world just ceased to exist when they were together.

Sean squeezed her. “You did that rather well.”

Xyla could hear the amusement and surprise in his voice.

“Thank you. I’ve read a few books and got a general idea on how to please a man.”

After a pause, Sean asked, “Why don’t you have a boyfriend?”

“To be honest, I’ve never dated anyone seriously. After I left Angel’s Creek to go to school, I was so busy with that, my job, and Edward that there wasn’t any time for a man. I barely had time to breathe.”

“It does sound like you were busy.”

“Yes. I envy you because you found true love – the kind that fills your heart and soul.”

Sean was quiet for several minutes, and Xyla regretted her words.

“Ivy was an amazing woman, and I did love her with every fiber of my being. We were so happy when we found out she was pregnant. There were unforeseen complications, and my heart died when she and the baby did.”

“I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have said anything.”

He rubbed her arm. “It’s okay. At first, it hurt so bad that I couldn’t breathe and I just wanted to die, too. Maybe that’s why I volunteered every time a dangerous mission came up. After awhile, though, I could think of them and smile. Sometimes, I still get sad and miss them, but I’m able to think about the good times she and I had, and I know that she and the baby are in heaven where they are happy.”

They lay together in silence. Xyla loved the feeling of warmth from the fire. She knew she would forever associate the smell of pine with her time with Sean. It would always bring a smile to her face no matter where she was or what else happened between them.

A little part of her whispered that she was falling in love with him. She had always had a thing for him and now it was growing more intense.

Sean’s voice broke the silence. “We should probably get back.”

“Are you sure we can’t just stay here until someone comes to dig the resort out?”

Sean laughed and gently pulled his arm out from under her. “I’m pretty sure that if you don’t return to the resort soon, your father will send a search party out after you. He really was frightened when you and Edward didn’t come back.”

“I guess.”

Xyla reluctantly got up and located her clothes that had been flung all over the room. Sean got dressed and doused the fire. She had to blink against the brilliant snow when they reached the surface.

As they approached the resort, Xyla put her hand on his arm. “Will you let me go in first and come in a few minutes after?”

“Are you ashamed to be seen with me and for people to think that we’re together?”

Xyla shook her head. “No. I’m just in a really good place right now, and I don’t want to deal with my father’s crap.”


Sean veered off toward the wood line to take a short walk. Xyla knew that he wasn’t happy about her request.

She had just stepped inside when her father blindsided her.

“Where have you been?”

“I was outside taking a walk.”

“Who were you with?”