Everyone was still nervous. Somehow, the darkness made the raging storm outside seem even worse. Sara brought out some lanterns, and the glow from the fireplace made it a little more bearable.
“We should be telling ghost stories instead of naming songs,” Darren said.
Marcie shook her head and put her hand over her heart. “Not right now. I might be only twenty-six, but I don’t think my heart could handle it.”
He grinned at her. “I’ll protect you.”
It seemed like forever, but the lights finally came back on. Howard and Sean staggered back into the building covered in snow. Their faces were red from the whipping wind.
Xyla looked at Sean and smiled at him. He winked at her, making her heart beat a little faster for a minute.
“It was just a loose wire. No worries, folks,” Howard said.
About an hour later, Franny announced dinner and everyone gathered in the dining room. After everyone had finished dinner, Xyla helped Franny and Ginny clean up and joined everyone in the parlor for a movie. She sat next to Sean with their fingers linked together. Xyla had no idea what the movie was about. She was too focused on the sexy man sitting next to her and the bolts of electricity that continuously sparked inside of her just from the touch of his hand.
That night as she snuggled deep in her sleeping bag, she thought about Sean. He made her feel things that she had never thought possible. In the back of her mind, she wished that they never got out of the resort.
Sean and Sawyer went outside, ducked into the tree line, and shifted. Both of them were feeling restless and claustrophobic.
As they trotted through the snow, Sean thought about Xyla and their encounter in the cabin. He wasn’t one to kiss and tell, but he trusted Sawyer and needed someone to talk to. Sawyer must have felt Sean’s angst because Sawyer’s voice popped into his mind, starting their telepathic conversation.
“What’s bothering you?” Sawyer asked.
Sean watched a rabbit hop in front of them and stop to stare at the two wolves as they passed by. “The little guy is taking his life in his hands.” He caught up to Sawyer and loped beside him. “Is it that obvious?”
“Yes, but only because I know you.”
Sean hesitated for just a minute. “Xyla and I had sex in her cabin yesterday. She was a virgin.”
“Oh, damn.”
“For the record, Xyla initiated the encounter and didn’t tell me that she hadn’t ever been with a man before. I didn’t know until it was too late to stop.”
“That explains why Elliot was all up in your face ready to take you out.” Sawyer chuckled and shook the snow off his head. “As if he could.”
“I don’t think that Elliot has a clue that we had sex. He thinks that she and I went for a walk. His problem is that I’m spending time with her at all.”
“He would probably have a heart attack and die on the spot if you told him that his precious human daughter seduced the big bad wolf shifter,” Sawyer said.
“I wouldn’t wish ill on anyone, but I don’t think there are too many people in the world who would miss him – especially William.”
Sawyer looped around a tree so they could head back. It was still snowing and even though Sean didn’t think it was possible, it was getting colder.
“True enough,” Sawyer acknowledged. “How do you feel about Xyla?”
Sean jumped over a large tree that had recently fallen. “Honestly, I don’t know. A few days ago, I would have cheerfully dropped her off the side of the mountain and waved as she bounced all the way down.”
Sawyer laughed, which sounded like a wolf yipping in the cold afternoon air. “Yeah, right. That’s why you helped save her life.”
“Okay, so I didn’t necessarily want her dead, but I certainly didn’t want her near me. My aversion to her and her family was strong enough to make me want to hole up in the cabin and drink all day and night.”
Several more yips rang through the air. “Yeah, right. I don’t see you doing that, either. Seriously, though, she changed her tune quickly after the rescue. You warmed up to her pretty quickly.”
“Now, I’ve taken her virginity, which I don’t take lightly.”