Sara tilted her head to one side. “So, what’s with you and Sean? I notice you two making eyes at each other, but you don’t seem to be together. Did you meet here and are too shy to start something?”

“I’ve known Sean for a very long time. We grew up in the same town, although he’s a few years older than I am. We were friends, but then my father decided that he didn’t like Sean. I must admit that I started treating Sean rather badly after that. I feel bad about that, because my father’s view of Sean may not be right.”

“Maybe all of this happened because fate decided that you two needed a chance to reconnect.” Sara grinned. “Cupid caused the avalanche.”

“I’m not so sure that Cupid would trap several other people just to make romance happen, which isn’t going to happen. Sean and I were simply friends before.”

“From the looks that Sara and I saw you two giving each other, there’s more than just friendship going on there. There is a bit of romance – maybe even love.”

“I doubt that. I would like to make amends for being so nasty before, though. I’m just not sure how.”

Franny put her hand on Xyla’s shoulder. “Follow your heart. Whether it’s romance or just doing the right thing, your heart won’t steer you wrong.”

“Thanks, ladies. Let me know if you need me.”

Sean was putting on his parka, hat, and gloves when she went into the parlor. Xyla decided to follow him outside.

“Wait up,” she called to him.

He stopped but didn’t look back at her. They walked together when she caught up.

“I’m so sorry for the way I treated you. I guess it took something extreme to open my eyes.”

“Thank you. Apology accepted.”

“You know you are a hero, now. You and Sawyer saved everyone’s life. You went above and beyond.”

“I’m no hero and the others helped, too. Darren, Tristan, and Howard shoveled as much as Sawyer and I did after we dug Darren and Tristan out. The only reason William wasn’t out there is because he’s seventy-two and uses a walker. I just did what any decenthuman beingwould do.”

He emphasized the wordshuman being, making Xyla wince. She had told him several times in the past that he wasn’t human.

“Still, you guys are all pretty awesome.”

Their arms brushed together and even through the thick layers of coat, shirt, and thermal underwear, Xyla felt a bolt of electricity explode inside of her. She jerked her arm and stepped away from him.

Sean must have felt something, too, because he looked at her strangely. She looked deep into his emerald eyes and felt as though she was getting lost inside of them. Xyla reached for his gloved hand and was shocked at the heat that built up inside of her as though their bare skin was touching.

He looked down at her and Xyla felt the entire world disappear around them. She put her hands on his chest, wishing he wasn’t wearing three layers of clothing. Her fingers itched to touch his skin and feel the heat from his body.

Sean lowered his head as though he was going to kiss her. Then, in the background, she heard her father bark out her name.

“I’m sorry. I have to go to him or he’ll get ugly.”

He nodded and she turned away from Sean, trudging slowly through the deep snow back to the building.

She spent the rest of the day trying to entertain Edward and organized a couple of games, including a makeshift game of a poker run. Instead of bar to bar, they moved from table to table. Even Edward got in on it and had fun. The only one who didn’t participate was her father, who stayed to himself and sulked.

That night, she took her five-minute shower and crawled under the blankets.What would it have been like if he had kissed me? Before I let Dad turn me against Sean, that’s all I ever wanted. I had the hots for him so badly.

Xyla felt the heat flood through her as she imagined what it would be like if he touched her. She imagined running her hands over his muscular chest and thick arms. In her mind, she could see them having sex as their bodies rubbed together.

She wanted to touch herself and let the fantasy play out in her mind, but she couldn’t with two other women in the room. Instead, she simply fell asleep thinking about Sean.



Sean was exhausted when he finally collapsed on his cot. He still hadn’t recuperated from the day of shoveling. As tired as he was, though, he couldn’t fall asleep.