“Thank you. You guys saved our lives. I don’t know that I would have done the same after the way we treated you.”
“You’re welcome.” Sean didn’t tell her that he had joked about leaving them buried.
She twisted her fingers around and looked at him for a second. “Is there anything I can do for you?”
“No. I’m good.” His voice was terse. He didn’t trust her sudden friendliness.
“How have you been doing lately?”
What’s with the idle chit-chat? It’s not like we’re friends or even casual acquaintances. Supposedly, I’m her mortal enemy.
He didn’t voice his thought. Instead, he said. “Everything has been great. I hope it has been for you.”
“I went to college and got my nursing degree. I just passed the boards, so I’m a registered nurse.”
“Congratulations. That’s quite an accomplishment.”
“Thank you. Now the hard part starts. I have to figure out where I want to work and start applying for jobs. I was thinking about working with kids or cancer patients.” She glanced over to Edward. His eyes were glued on the two of them.
He’s probably trying to figure out why his sister, who had been so nasty before, is playing nice now. He’s not the only one.
“I do miss Angel’s Creek. I was thinking about moving back. I could always work at the hospital in Raton or work for theclinic in town.” Xyla’s voice sounded almost as though she was pleading for him to say that she would be welcomed back.
Sean had no idea why she would suddenly want or need his approval. He wasn’t the only one who had dug her family out of the cabin, but she wasn’t paying attention to Sawyer. Sean glanced at his best friend, who raised his eyebrows at him as though to ask, “What’s gotten into her?”
Shrugging slightly, Sean replied telepathically, “I’ve no idea. It makes me a little nervous.”
Xyla had paused, waiting for Sean’s response.
“There’s always a high demand for registered nurses. I’m sure you won’t have a problem finding a good place to work.”
Just then, Elliot walked out of the bedroom and stopped short when he saw Xyla talking to him. He glared at the two of them, and Xyla was suddenly nervous.
“Thanks again for saving our lives.” She touched his shoulder and then quickly walked away.
“What was that all about?” Sawyer asked.
“Hell if I know. Did you see how she took off when her father came back out?”
Sawyer nodded. “Yeah. I would almost feel sorry for her if she hadn’t been so rude to us from the very beginning. It can’t be easy living with a man like that.”
“Probably not. I do feel sorry for Edward, though.”
Their conversation was interrupted when Ginny put dinner trays in front of the five men, and Franny and Sara brought out bowls of stew.
“It’s not that canned junk. This is my homemade stew.” Franny smiled proudly at them.
“I’m sure it’s delicious.” Sawyer smiled back at her.
Sean took a bite and looked up at the short, plump woman who was watching them closely for a reaction. “This is amazing.I don’t think I’ve had any stew that could compare to this – not even my mother’s.”
The others agreed with him.
Franny beamed at them and then waved in the general direction of the others. “Food is ready. Come into the dining room.”
Elliot glared at Sean as he walked by. Sean wasn’t sure if it was because Xyla was talking to him, because the five men got special treatment, or if it was just a general nasty look. Whatever the reason, Sean was amused. Being this close to Elliot would make the old man more miserable than anything Sean could have possibly done.
They gobbled up the stew in silence. Almost as soon as Howard, Tristan, and Darren finished eating, they leaned back in the chairs and fell asleep. Sean was pretty sure they were practicing synchronized snoring.