Elliot nodded as he and Edward left.

Xyla sat back on the couch and stared into the fire. She didn’t miss the references to canines in their conversation. “Doggie bag and hound – huh. I can’t escape reminders of Sean.”

In the back of her mind, Xyla wondered if her ankle really hurt too much to walk to the resort or if she was trying to avoid Sean.



Sean and Sawyer laughed at Xyla’s response to Sawyer’s offer of help when they reached the bottom of the slope. They looked up to see if Edward and Xyla made any progress.

Sawyer shook his head. “I guess she’s the type that would cut off her nose to spite her face.”

“That about sums it up. That’s what blind hatred and bigotry do to people.”

“I just feel sorry for her brother. If she pulled her head out of her ass, we could have helped her to the cabin a lot easier than he could have, and then he would have been able to go down the slope a few more times with us.”

“Me, too. He seems like a really nice kid. However, it’s out of our hands.” Sean checked his watch. “We have time for at least five or six more treks down. Then, if you’re game, we can do the double diamond tomorrow.”

“Sounds like a plan.”

Sean banished all thoughts of Xyla and her family as he and Sawyer enjoyed their afternoon.

I’m definitely going to have to do this more often. I haven’t had this much fun since – well, since Ivy was alive. She would be pissed to see me sitting around not enjoying life.

They finished their last run just as the sun was going down. After quickly taking their skis and poles to their cabin, they headed to the main resort for dinner.

Sean immediately scanned the room for signs of Xyla, Edward, or Elliot and breathed a sigh of relief when they weren’t in sight.

Sawyer slapped him on the back. “You have to let them go. It’s almost like you’re obsessed with them.”

“You’re right.”

A minute or so after they sat down, Marcie and Ellie showed up. “May we join you again?”

“Of course.” Once again, Sawyer stood up and pulled a chair out for Ellie.

Sean, not to be outdone in the gentleman’s department, did the same for Marcie.

“We saw you guys on the black diamond. How many times did you fall?” Marcie asked.

“None. We’re actually planning on doing the double black diamond tomorrow. It’s a good thing that Sawyer is a doctor, so if I do fall, he can put me back together. If he falls, he can tell me how to put him back together.”

“I’d love to nurse you back to health,” Marcie cooed, leaning over toward Sean.

Her blouse opened up enough to give Sean a good view of her supple breasts. He looked away and took a drink of his tea. Sawyer caught his eye and smirked.

“You have nothing to laugh about. Ellie’s on you like a wart on a toad,” Sean said telepathically to Sawyer.

Sawyer choked on the mouthful of tea he just swallowed.

Ellie and Marcie looked at the two of them, confusion all over their faces. “Did we miss something?” Marcie asked.

Sawyer shook his head. “No. I’m sorry. So, what did you guys do today?”

Marcie and Ellie took turns excitedly telling them how they went down the red slope. This was their first time skiing, so they were terrified at first, but then they got the hang of it and did well. They hung out with Tristan and Darren, who were also first-time skiers.

“Esme and Blake, the couple sitting in the corner, have been skiing for a couple of years and gave us some great pointers.” Marcie waved to them with a huge smile.