“Not me. I’ve got a strong stomach. Besides, this is how we eat at school. We’ve got twenty minutes to eat and go outside. I don’t like wasting time eating when I can be playing.”

“You know you’re supposed to wait an hour after eating before doing any strenuous activities, don’t you? That way your body has time to digest the food.”

Edward shook his head. “Nice try. Everyone knows that is a myth. Besides, it takes six to eight hours to digest a meal. That’s how the medical examiners can tell when a person died, by figuring out when they last ate and how much the food is digested.”

“What are you watching?” Xyla asked.

“True crime shows. That’s how you learn to be a real criminal and get away with stuff.”

Xyla did a face plant. “Edward.”

“I’m just kidding. I like the science in it. Who knows, maybe someday I’ll be a forensic tech.”

“I thought you were going to be a train engineer.”

Edward shrugged as he swallowed the last bite on his plate. “I’m entitled to change my mind.”

As soon as she finished her food, Edward practically dragged her to the lift. “I’m going to get in as many runs as I possibly can while I’m here. Maybe I can break a world record for the number of runs done in a week.”

“Probably not. I’m slowing you down.”

“I’m a big boy and it’s only the people staying at the resort who are using the slopes right now. You don’t have to come with me.”

“The whole purpose of me coming was to hang out with you.”

“I just said that so Dad would let me come.” Edward smirked at her and dodged the playful smack she aimed in his direction.

“You could do more runs if you stuck with the red slope.”

“I want to do the black diamond. You promised.” He grinned. “But I understand if you’re chicken and you are too afraid to go. I can go by myself and you can wait for me at the bottom.”

“Yeah, right. I ain’t afraid of nuttin’,” she said in an exaggerated tone.

He laughed and hopped off the lift, racing to the slope.

Her stomach tied itself into a knot when she noticed that Sean and Sawyer were already at the black diamond slope.

Edward waved cheerfully at them, and Xyla resisted the urge to slap his arm down. She gritted her teeth when she saw that they waved back at him.

They are always around, like those nasty no-seeums that constantly hover around, annoying me in the summertime.

“What did you say?” she asked.

Edward frowned at her. “I said that if I can get down the slope each time without falling, I get a piece of chocolate cake for dessert tonight with some ice cream. Don’t worry, you already nodded and said that I could.”

“Did I now?” She laughed. “It’s your upset tummy.”

“Don’t worry. Dad brought Pepto. It fixes everything.”

Xyla groaned. She glanced over at Sean and Sawyer as they waited for her and Edward to launch themselves down the side of the mountain and shook her head.They are not going to spoil my fun or my time with Edward.

Having made up her mind, she focused her attention back on Edward. They started down the slope. Xyla loved the feel of the cold air on her face as she rushed down the mountain. Her heart warmed as she heard Edward’s laughter bouncing off the trees.

They were almost at the bottom when her skis hit something. Her stomach lurched and she couldn’t breathe as her feet went out from under her. She launched into the air and then landed hard. Instantly, a sharp pain radiated from her ankle up her leg.

“Xyla, are you okay?” Edward screeched to a stop beside her and bent over her worriedly.

“I think so. Help me up.”