“I don’t know if I can. Besides, who’s to say that Sean wants a long-term relationship with me, anyway?”



“Sean, I found a baseball on the shelf with the games. Will you go outside and play catch with me?” Edward asked. He was practically jumping up and down with excitement.

“Sure, I’ll be glad to. Get your coat on.” Sean grinned as Edward ran toward the coat rack.

Sean knew exactly how Edward was feeling. The resort really was a great place, but it was starting to become claustrophobic. People were starting to get moody. Everyone was doing the best that they could, but it was hard being cramped together. He also suspected that a couple people weren’t using their allotted five-minute shower time wisely – or at all. A musty smell seemed to constantly hang in the air.

Sawyer saw them putting on their outside gear. “Where are you two going?”

“I found a baseball and we’re going to play catch. Do you want to play with us?”

“I’d love to.” Sawyer reached for his boots and started dressing in his gear.

The three of them played ball for about an hour. Edward laughed as he fell in the snow a few times, trying to reach to catch the ball. He also fell a few times throwing the ball. The snow wasn’t as deep as it was, but it still went up to his knees in some spots and to his waist in others.

Sean saw that the boy was starting to get cold. “I think you should go inside and warm up. Have some hot chocolate.”

“I’m having fun, though,” Edward said.

“So are we, but remember, you were half frozen to death a couple days ago. We don’t need to risk you getting sick,” Sawyer reminded him.

“We’ll play again later or tomorrow,” Sean promised, tossing him the ball.

Edward brightened a little. “Okay.”

The two men watched him go inside. Sean leaned against the porch railing, the cold mountain air biting his skin, as he stared out over the white expanse of endless snow.

“What’s on your mind?” Sawyer asked.

“I’m worried about Edward. He’s such a great kid.”

“He is, and he seems to have formed a kind of hero worship for you.”

Sean sighed and dusted the snow off his knees where he dove into the snow to retrieve the ball. “That’s what I’m concerned about. But once we get off this mountain, I’ll likely never see him again. We live in two different towns and even if we didn’t, Elliot would never let him associate with me. I’m just a dirty, murderous shifter, you know.”

“For a brief moment, it seemed like Elliot might be easing up a bit. He did thank you for saving Edward and protecting Xyla while you looked for the boy.”

Sean shook his head. “It was a moment of weakness. He’s been a complete ass ever since. I’m waiting to wake up to find a knife in my chest or my throat cut.”

“Elliot is definitely someone I would never turn my back to, then. I don’t think he would do anything while you were looking, but he would certainly attack you from behind and cut your throat in a heartbeat.”

“Yes, he would.”

Sawyer patted him on the back. “Edward’s a great kid and is mature enough to know that his father’s views aren’t right. As a matter of fact, I’m not really sure that he even likes or respects his father much.”

“True, although I hate that for him, but it might be what saves him. Edward will see his father’s hatred for what it is and decide to take another path.”

“We can only hope.”

Sean decided to change the topic. “I see that Ellie is still trying to get your attention.”

Sawyer laughed. “She’s undecided about whether she wants to flirt with me or Tristan.”

Raising his eyebrows, Sean asked, “Well?”