Sean shrugged. “I’ve never encountered one but that doesn’t mean they aren’t around. I usually don’t hang out in the woods at night when were-creatures are active. It would account for random animal attacks on campers and hikers that happen on the mountain, though.”

Xyla yawned. “Thank you for explaining everything to me.”

“You’re welcome. Go to sleep. I’ll watch over you.”

She closed her eyes and fell asleep quickly, holding her brother close to her.

He leaned against the cave wall, dozing lightly, making sure that the fire stayed burning all night long.

They woke with the first light of dawn. After they ate the rest of the energy bars, Sean put out the fire and let Sawyer know they were heading back. Sean carried Edward back even though the boy protested that he could walk on his own.

Sawyer was watching for them and opened the door when the three of them stepped on the porch.

Franny, Sara, and Ginny all rushed toward them. “Thank heavens. Is he okay?” Sara asked.

“I think so, but it just so happens that we have a doctor in the house,” Sean said.

He carried Edward into his bedroom and laid him on the bed, with Xyla, Elliot, and Sawyer right behind him.

Sawyer checked him over closely. “He should be okay. Luckily, hypothermia saved his life. It lowered Edward’s metabolism, which meant that his organs required less oxygen. His heart rate slowed, which redirects oxygen to key organs like the brain. Lowered body temperature means that it is likely his organs have been protected from irreversible damage.”

Xyla leaned over the bed and touched her brother’s cheek with hers, her tears falling on Edward’s face.

“Don’t cry. I’m fine. You and Sean saved me,” Edward said.

“How long were you in the pond?” Sawyer asked.

“I don’t know. It seems like I was in there for a long time. I was walking across the pond and then I just fell through. I held on. I knew Xyla would find me. I started to get dizzy and I was sleepy.”

Sawyer looked at Sean and Xyla. “It sounds like you got to him just in time. Another two minutes and he would have gone under.”

Elliot looked at Sean. “Thank you for saving my son and daughter.”

Sean thought that the gratitude sounded forced, but he accepted it, anyway. “You’re welcome.”

Franny came in with some soup and shooed everyone out while she watched him eat.

Sean and Xyla went into the library.

“Thank you for saving my brother. It would have killed me if something happened to him.”

“I’m rather fond of him. Besides, it’s what I do. I find lost people.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck and stood on her toes. Xyla pressed her lips to his, pushing her tongue into his mouth. She seemed to pour all of her fears, gratitude, and other emotions into the powerful kiss.

Electricity exploded inside of Sean. Fires coursed through him and his heart raced.

She pulled back, touched his face gently, and smiled. “I’m going to check on Edward.”

Xyla’s scent lingered, haunting him. He didn’t hate it like he did before. As a matter of fact, he found it intoxicating.



Edward sat up on the couch and pushed the hair out of his face. “Xyla, I’m fine. I feel great. Sawyer said that I was fine. I can’t rest anymore. I’m rested. I’m fine. I need to get up and do things.”

“You almost died.”