And it was.
They had a fun breakfast of pancakes and ham and eggnog drinks with cinnamon and whipped cream. Everyone laughed at the mustache on Dillon’s face and then they all made ones of their own and took a selfie to remember the moment.
Soon, they ended up in the living room with the presents being delivered by Jasmin with Dillon and Pretty Girl’s help. The dog getting in everyone’s business, trying to abscond with the tissue wrappings and making a worse mess.
When they’d finally finished that part of the day’s business, Dex admitted to forgetting Sara’s presents at his house which meant they would have to go there soon. In the meantime, Dillon played with Lester, showing off all his new toys while Dex and Jasmin helped clean up the mess.
“Okay, bud, time to get dressed in outdoor clothes cause we have to run over to our house for a little while. It should have warmed up in there by now, and I’m anxious to show you your new bedroom. Plus, all Sara’s presents are there for you to open and then Jasmin mentioned a special phone call you plan to make.”
Jasmin added, “I can’t wait to see the place. Come on, Dillon. You can play with your toys later. Time to get some exercise.”
A short while later, they drove through the snowy roads, enjoying seeing many children playing in their yards, making snowmen and having fun with their parents. The sight made Dex’s heart sore, thinking of how much Max would have loved the place. By the time they pulled into his driveway, he could barely contain his excitement. It was Jasmin who clung to his hand as they made their way into the house. Between the two of them, he didn’t know who was more excited.
Once he unlocked the door, they stepped back so the boy could go ahead of them. “Welcome home, Dillon.”
Dillon seemed to hesitate, his face lifted, his expression shocked. The smell of gingerbread cookies filled the air.
“Let’s get your boots off here in the mudroom. Then we can see why the lights are on inside.”
Dillon let Jasmin help him pull off his boots, his hands on her shoulders as she crouched in front of him. She looked into his troubled face and whispered, “Go and see the tree Dex fixed for you.”
Dillon looked toward Dex as if for permission and Dex pointed to a doorway beyond the hall. With arms wrapped around each other, they followed the boy into the room in time to witness his thrilled expression when Sara stood up from a chair to greet him, the glowing lights from the magical Christmas tree lighting her silhouette.
“Sara,” Dillon screamed, happiness ringing through the room. Then he ran to her, his hands reaching.
Scooping him close, Sara’s words rang with a tearful exuberance. “Dillon… my boy. Its so good to see you again. Merry Christmas, lad.”
Dex had to take a few moments before his words would be strong and the teary version didn’t show. “Merry Christmas, Dillon. I couldn’t think of a better Christmas gift for you than to have Sara move in here and look after us all.”
Eyes glowing, Dillon swung to Dex. “Truly? She can stay?”
“For as long as she wants. Well… as long as she promises to keep making those scrumptious gingerbread cookies.”
Jasmin piped up, “And her scallop potatoes.”
Controlling the conversation, Dillon spoke up. “She promises, don’t you Sara?”
Grinning, Sara nodded emphatically, “I surely do, lad. I surely do.”