“We’ll be taking a bus, don’t worry me and the coaches will sort that out. This is a two-month tournament if you girls make it.”
“This program focuses on building fundamentals and advanced skills. Developing a sound skill base in both technical and tactical aspects of the game. It’s faced-paced but also a fun game with lots of touches. I need you all to make a decision tonight about how important this is to you and if this is what you want.” Her eyes scanned through everyone.
“The tournament will be a guarantee to increase each of your skills and decision making and it opens a big door towards the regionals that are happening later the year.”
“This exactly what we’ve been working for,” I said, confidently because I was not going to mess up things this time.
Each player in my team took a step forward expressing their confidence.
Isabelle smiled at us. “Good,”
She excused herself and said her goodbyes. We finished up getting dressed and heading out.
“OMG!” Clarissa expressed, having an extra spring in her step.
“We did it! How amazing is that?”
I smiled and it felt so damn good.
Wanting to share the good news with Brandon when my eyes landed on the time when I pulled my phone out.
“Oh, shit.” There was not enough time to make it for kick-off.
“What?” The girls came to halt and each looked at me with frowns.
“The Gladiators has a game today.” I kind of promised Brandon that I would be there since he has been at every one of my games.
“Well, let’s get going already. It’s going to be one hell of a good day if they win.” Clarissa said.
“They usually go big when celebrating a win,” Daphne informed walking over to us and congratulating her sister when Clarissa gave her the good news.
“Have you been stalking your ex-boyfriend?” Megan teased Clarissa on our way over to the parking lot.
“Pfft, please. He just throws awesome parties and I love free booze. We haven’t “hung out” since high school.” She explained, emphasizing it with air quotes.
“Don’t you miss him?” Briana queried.
Clarissa shook her head. “It was a one-time fling and we aren’t compatible. He is good-mannered and a great person to talk to, but he is just not the person for me.”
“From when is a gentleman a problem?” Nicole asked.
Clarissa shrugged. “We just could never see eye to eye.” When she spoke, she looked at me before excusing herself and getting into her car.
I caught a ride back with Megan laughing at the girls who were being silly, but my mind couldn’t stop thinking about what Clarissa said. Brandon is a great guy, funny and caring, but I just couldn’t understand why they wouldn’t see eye to eye. He was laidback and never gave the impression that he judges a person.
We, unfortunately, didn’t make it in time for the start of the game. They were one point behind the other team and were going for a goal when we entered the rink—looking for seats and receiving annoyed looks from the crowd when we were quite loud.
We cheered while looking for seats when the Gladiators scored a goal.
“Oh, my goodness, people can be so mean.” Briana huffed.
Throughout the whole game, we were probably the loudest who were cheering them on and applauding whenever their goalkeeper blocked a goal or went for a goal they successfully shot through and badgering about Tammy being the best goalkeeper in the state.
Brandon was a different kind of person when he was out on the ice. He didn’t look like the kind who looks for a fight, but he wasn’t backing down from the other teams’ defenders. I watched him in awe when he stole the puck from the other team who was already making their way over to the goalkeeper for a goal.
His team immediately followed and protected him.
Brandon was incredibly fast when passing the puck to his team who only passed it back to him. None of them missed the puck or got it stolen from them.