Page 66 of Redeeming Heart

We glanced over our shoulders before turning around when the boy’s team was welcomed out on the field.

“Here we go,” Tammy announced with a challenging look in her eyes.

The boy’s team made their way over to us and I sensed some arrogancy coming from a few of them, but not all. The girls stayed composed when they reached us and gave us looks as if we didn’t belong here.

“So, nice of all you to make it.” Their captain remarked with a hint of sarcasm.

“Nice to be here,” I responded, referring to the awesome crowd we had here today. It made things slightly better for us and gave a bit of motivation back to our souls.

“We haven’t discussed what we get out of today.” Their captain noted with a slightly devilish look in his eye.

“What game are you playing?” Clarissa asked, almost growling at him.

A smug smile revealed itself on his lips.

“I am talking some kind of agreement.” He said, acting all innocent and nice, but deep down he was rubbing his hands against each other as if he was getting someone’s soul in return.

I thought about it for a while and I know it was a dangerous game even though I believed in my team, I didn’t want to risk anything. Especially their chances at having a career, but they were ready for any kind of gamble and they were playing to win today.

“What are we talking about?” Tammy asked, taking a step forward so she was standing beside me with her arms crossed in front of her chest.

“When we win today, you aren’t allowed back here. This is our turf. You have to find your own.”

That came as a surprise and I wasn’t the only one who was bewildered by their request. My whole team was baffled and it showed.

“That’s a dick move, but what else did we expect from posers?” Clarissa acknowledged with disbelief.

“You should learn to keep your team in line, Adams.” And he should learn to mind his own damn business.

“First of all, this field does not belong to you, it belongs to a varsity and secondly, you don’t own shit to be making those accords.” I pointed out.

“We were still here first.” He almost snarled.

“We are not here to cause a fight. You see that crowd?” I asked gesturing at the pump-up crowd.

“They are here to watch us play—not start a fight.” I tried to reason.

“Says the one who ender her career because of starting a fight.”

I squinted my eyes and let his remark roll over even when I was ready to kick his ass.

“Are we going to play or just stand here throwing remarks around?” I asked, getting tired of his impoliteness.

“Sure, but since it’s our field. We get the first touch of the ball.”

I held my tongue and let them have whatever they wanted. Even when my team was fuming with rage behind me.

“He’s a real dickhead.” Clarissa grumbled.

I know she disliked him and so did everyone else, but she shouldn’t let him get to her. He was playing mind tricks and getting his way when she responded like that.

“You should try and not keep your emotions transparent,” I suggested.

“He was testing us and so far, he is winning because my team took the lead of playing his game and if there is a slight chance we are losing today, we are losing a turf.”

I wasn’t in the mood to lecture anybody, but it wasn’t the best start. I met my team for one last hype before the game starts.

“Let’s do exactly what we discussed. I don’t want any trick moves until the coach gives us the okay.”