Nobody could answer me because that’s how the world worked and it was sickening.
“We will face them tomorrow with respect and show them what real sportsmanship looks like. We are not going out there to humiliate anybody. We are going to have fun and at the same time kick ass because we are worth it.” I reasoned—not giving a damn about what anyone has to say.
“What are we going to do about practice though?” Tiffany asked, gesturing at the field where they were still practicing.
“We can go to the park?” Megan suggested and everyone went silent for a moment thinking about it and basically, we had no choice.
We grabbed our belongings, got in cars, and made our way over to the park. It wasn’t our best option, but it was big enough to do drills and get in a few rounds of working on our game plan.
We were setting up the cones for our drills when I noticed Brandon and his team making their way over.
“What are they doing here?” Megan whispered to me—her eyes wide as saucers.
I pulled up my shoulders because I had no idea.
“Hey,” I greeted him when they neared.
“What are you doing here?” I asked what my team was dying to know.
“We were going to ask the same thing,” Jake answered.
“Our field got taken over by a bunch of boys who call themselves winners,” Briana remarked with annoyance.
“The same team we are facing tomorrow,” Clarissa said coming up and I caught the way she and Brandon looked at each other.
“Thanks to our captain who didn’t let them intimidate us.” I glanced away from Tammy when she spoke and caught Brandon’s eyes trained on me.
“Their coach was rude and I felt like punching him, but it got me into trouble the last time. So, I did it my mother’s way and challenged them.” I said with a shrug because it wasn’t a big deal.
“That coach is a real piece of work,” Megan grumbled, crossing her arms in front of her chest.
Brandon looked at me for answers and I wasn’t surprised. “He discriminated against us based on our gender.”
He didn’t look thrilled with that piece of information and I couldn’t blame him. We as women were sick of it, imagine how the good-mannered men felt who didn’t discriminate.
“Is there anything we can help with?” Jared asked taking a step forward and the rest of the team followed.
The girls looked at me for answers like I had any.
“It will be a game between ice hockey and field hockey players,” Hailey noted with a smug smile.
“What do you say, Adams? Feel like taking your frustration out on a bunch of willing guys?” Brandon said with a smile in his voice.
“We technically don’t have the time and who is going to get Jonah from practice?” I also had to make it in time for my shift.
“I’ll handle it, you just focus on kicking ass tomorrow.” Hailey offered.
The next morning I set a new record for myself when I woke up before 7 am on a Saturday. Bags packed, dressed, and ready to meet the girls for our game against the boys. I know it was only a friendly game and it meant absolutely nothing to get us into the tournament, but it was practice. Especially since we are facing guys.
They are a lot faster and play a different way to us, but they were underestimating us which was an opening for us to take it and beat them.
I grabbed my things when I heard a car horn outside and rushed down the staircase in a hurry—almost stumbling into my father who was making his way out of the kitchen to answer the door, but I beat him to it.
“That’s for me.” I acknowledged, running past him, opening the door, and on my way out when he spoke up.
“Where are you going? It’s not even 8 yet.” He pointed out, gesturing to the time.