“Then I’ll leave. You’ve always wanted me to go since you brought Meredith into your home.” I started heading up the stairs but he stopped me by softly grabbing me by my upper arm.
“That’s not true.” He tried to assure me but I knew better. I was fucken lost and needed his help to get me back on track but instead, he is pushing me further away from him.
“Isn’t it? Then why haven’t you and I had a decent conversation in three years? Mom died and our wounds haven’t even healed and already you brought this woman into our home.” I argued, pulling my arm free from his hold.
“That woman you referring to is my fiancé.” He urged as if it would change the way I see her.
“And I am your daughter. Your blood. Yet, you treat me as if I died alongside mom.” I know I was stating things that should be left for another day but I don’t see that day happening soon.
“How am I supposed to react when my daughter keeps getting arrested?” His voice became harsh and cold.
“Is that all you care about? Or is it because you are someone important and you are afraid of the people above you will say?”
“I am supposed to enforce the law’s rules but how can I when my daughter doesn’t even obey my simple house rules, and who keeps getting her ass locked up.”
“What kind of example are you when you don’t even want to protect innocent women from men who are monsters? When are you going to give them their voice back? Or is it all about money for you or how many lives you can destroy?”
“I care, Sasha.” He insisted.
“Not from where I am standing.” I curtly remarked.
He lowered his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose as he gave a tired sigh. “Don’t you think we had enough of this conversation?”
“What conversation? We barely talk about what happened to mom or anything besides how disappointed you are in me.”
He stood up without uttering a word and the silence was slowly consuming the last piece of conversation we had in years, and I wasn’t going to let it end before it even started.
My father stared up at the stars expecting to see her in the night sky but he was only met by a dark sky, stars, and a moon. “She’s gone, Sasha and she’s never coming back.” He spoke with such an open mind that he started forgetting that I couldn’t let go of her—not yet.
“It’s time for you to accept that and move on.” Moving on, he meant to forget about mom and every single piece of history of her. Push her completely out of our lives and pretend to never know her.
“Like you have?” I pushed the front door open and made my way inside.
My father followed close by and shut the door behind him. I didn’t even think about dinner all I cared about is taking a shower and going to bed.
"Oh, you also have a curfew from now on." My feet halted as his words registered and I whirled around.
"You got to beshittingme, dad. I am nineteen. Not sixteen." I protested. I have never had a curfew and he can’t possibly do this to me.
"When you start acting nineteen maybe I will start treating you like an adult."
“Rise and shine, lazybones!” My father badgered whipping my bedroom door open without a care in the world—the main reason why I don’t have friends over or have a single interest in boys.
“It’s too early,” I grumbled under my breath grabbing a pillow and wrapping it around my head, hoping he will go away when he realizes I have no intention of getting up and obeying his silly rules.
“Don’t make me dump ice water all over you.” He threatened but I just ignored him, not believing that he would do it.
“Fine,” I heard him sigh. “You are giving me no choice.” He muttered and I had no idea what that meant.
I just smiled when I heard his footsteps fading away but let my guard down when I’ve fallen back asleep. My body jerked and I almost screamed when ice-cold water got dumped all over me.
“What the?!” I yelped, scrambling up and narrowing my eyes at my father who didn’t give a damn about my outburst.
“You’ve got ten minutes or Jonah is going to be late for school.” He said, tapping his wristwatch emphasizing that he would do it again.
“I didn’t agree to this.” I clarified.