To me, it was already amusing to hear people say that a gym always has the after the smell of sweat but I’ve never had that bad experience since I was a kid and spend most of my time working out in a gym.
Aunt Maggie swiped her gym membership card and paid for me to join her.
“Where do you want to start first?” I queried looking around and taking in all the well-sculpted bodies that were pushing through their busy workouts.
“Well, I am not going to humiliate myself by working in front of fit gymnasts.” I suppressed a chuckle and followed her up the stairs to where she was comfortable with working out.
I grabbed a few weights and might as well get in a good workout since we were here.
I didn’t understand why Aunt Maggie was so worried about her physique or that she was unfit. She worked out for thirty minutes straight without taking a break longer than a minute. Aunt Maggie was at least five years younger than my mother and in her mid-twenties.
Like my mom she was beautiful and it wasn’t a secret that men appreciated her beauty and curves. Her mission has always been the pub and she worked endless nights to get it to this point where it become the most famous pub in town.
Men haven’t been on her radar since she got her heart broken by a rich asshole who was married and lied to her about it. She found out when his wife became her best friend and they started talking about the man she was seeing. Only to realize that it was her newfound friend’s husband.
My mother had to intervene because Aunt Maggie would have burned his house down. His wife at least divorced him and she is still best friends with Aunt Maggie.
She is now sipping cocktails somewhere on some island with hunky dudes as her servants.
I handed Aunt Maggie a towel when she finally finished up. “Is there another reason why you brought me here?” I questioned when I realized that Aunt Maggie lied to me about her fitness level. She didn’t need someone to look after her.
“I thought maybe it would do you good to get out of the house.” She insisted but I still had mixed feelings about it. I just couldn’t place my finger on what she was hiding.
“Morning, ladies.” A deep, unfamiliar voice greeted.
I was seated on the floor gazing up at a very well-built man who showed a lot of interest in Aunt Maggie. He was the male package that was classified as perfect. Smooth skin. Perfect teeth. Big, muscular shoulders. Strong and smooth jaw. A handsome face and he was not shy to show interest in my aunt who was blushing.
She can’t lie to me and tell me she is flustered from the workout.
“Kevin, this is my niece, Sasha.” Kevin nodded my way and for a moment his eyes widened as if he recognized me but he covered it up as quickly as it happened.
Did we know each other?
I watched them interact with each other with smiles and I could feel the sexual tension growing between them.
I jumped to my feet not wanting to be a part of whatever this was. “I am just going to get myself a smoothie from downstairs. Do you want one?” I asked Aunt Maggie.
She nodded at me and then handed me her wallet. “I do have my own,” I assured her but she shook her head.
“I brought you here. I am paying for everything. You gotta save up that hard-earned cash you’ve made.” I nodded and decided to be obedient for a change.
I headed downstairs to the small built-in restaurant that was only serving healthy meals and smoothies. I placed an order for two peanut butter and banana protein shakes. I raised my head looking for Aunt Maggie and noticed she was still talking—more like flirting with Kevin. So, I decided to stay out of that conversation and took a seat at a nearby table that looked out on the swimming pool.
“Is this seat taken?” A voice asked.
Without looking at them, I answered. “This is not a pick-up bar, champ.”
The familiar chuckle made me raise my head. My eyes connected with Brandon’s smoky-grey eyes burning bright with amusement.
Without being in control of my reactions, my eyes took in his muscular arms as he was wearing a tank top that was drenched in his sweat. “Don’t you take at least one day off from working out?” I questioned.
He shrugged and decided to sit down at my table without asking permission.
“It’s more of a mental therapy session than physical.” He answered, smiling at the waiter who brought his order over to our table, and not he was also sipping on a peanut butter shake.
“Your girl fan club giving you nightmares?” I joked, remembering the girls from the other day.
“Stereotypes are giving me nightmares.” He noted.