Page 27 of Redeeming Heart

“That’s it,” I muttered. I couldn’t take it when players were on this team- laughing at other players. That’s not how sportsmanship works.

“Get me on that field,” I told the coach.

“What?” He seemed baffled by my request.

“Do you want to win this?” I asked, and then asked one of the replacements if I can borrow their hockey stick which she complied.


The coach called his team over asking the referee for a 2-minute break so he could discuss things with his players.

“Sasha is going to be the center-forward with Clarissa, and I moving Megan back to midfield.” The coach explained and I know the girls were cringing at the idea of having me on their team.

“This is some kind of joke, right? You can’t just put her on the team, especially since she didn’t attend any practices with us.” Clarissa argued. “Don’t you think that we have a say in this?”

The coach looked at me and I know everything was relying on me. I caused them to hate me because I was good and at the same time ruthless.

“I get that each of you hates me, but for just now put your hate and protest aside and think about getting this match over. You can kick me out and raise your opinions after the game.” I stated.

“Those girls are laughing at you because they think you are not worthy to compete in the tournament but I disagree. I have faced each of you back in the day and I know you are each worthy.”

“At least let me help you win this. I can’t watch you throw your first chance away.”

“We wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you.” Clarissa hissed.

I frowned. “What exactly did I do?” I questioned.

Everyone looked at each other wordlessly before shrugging.

“You punched me and got banned,” I smirked at Clarissa’s remark.

“Exactly, I punched you andIgot banned. I am not the reason why you didn’t get on a college team or pro team. I am not to blame because people stopped being interested in field hockey.”

“You are the reason why they stopped.” Another remarked. “Because you stopped showing up.”

“My mom died.” It wasn’t a surprise to any one of them. “A part of my heart got ripped out and I had no strength to deal with something that she and I used to share.”

“You can’t blame me for your failures.” They went silent and I thought for a moment that I said the wrong thing.

“She’s right.” Their goalkeeper noted. “We can’t blame her because we didn’t get picked. We are given a second chance to right our wrongs and let’s face it. Sasha is the best center-forward.” Tammy added.

“We need her,” Megan stated and many nodded in agreement except for Clarissa.

“Come on, Clarissa. You were wrong as well for what you said to her.” Felicity acknowledged.

“Fine,” She grounded out. “But I am the captain.”

I pulled up my shoulders having no protests. “You go right ahead. I just want to win.”

She nodded. “Well, let’s go kick ass then.”

I looked at the coach. He smiled at me. “Go get them, tiger.”

I nodded my head and then jogged after the girls to catch up. Clarissa went over the game plan and it kind of sucked because it didn’t make sense, and I realized most of the team didn’t understand.

Megan caught up with me before we headed for the restart of the game. “What’s the plan?” She asked.

“You heard her,” I replied and gave her a knowing smile.