“Fan of hockey but not the skates,” I grumbled, kicking them off and rubbing my feet.
“Yeah, I don’t know how Brandon and his friends can handle being out there for hours.” She noted, glancing over at Brandon and waving at him when their eyes met.
“I’m Ashley.” She introduced.
“Sasha,” I said. Grabbing my shoes and slipped them on.
“How do you know Brandon?” Her question somewhat made me cringe when I realized what she is insinuating.
“I don’t. We can barely stand each other. He is a friend of Jonah’s, my little brother.” I don’t know if my answer justifies her mixed feelings but I didn’t care.
Jonah understood when Brandon suggested changing positions and had Jake demonstrate the position, they thought he would be fit for.
Jonah was having a blast with Brandon and his friends making me almost green with envy when his skills were slowly improving to a point where he even considered changing positions.
We stayed behind to watch them practice and I had to be honest, I was awestruck by their speed, and agility gliding around on the ice while pushing the puck around. They were without a doubt tough on each other when it came to defending but they respected each other all the way.
I answered my phone when Meredith called, she was just wondering when we will be home. I noticed the time and realized we have to leave now or I am going to be late for my shift at the pub.
I shoved Jonah’s things into his bags and tapped him on the shoulder.
“Come on, we have to get going. My shift starts in an hour and I still have to take a shower.” I told him and got him to start moving even if he was pouting at me.
“Can I at least say goodbye to Brandon?” He begged, coming to a sudden halt in front of me.
“Fine, but just a goodbye—not have a whole conversation.” He nodded and ran over back over to where he was standing.
The girl I met, Ashley was already embracing Brandon when he finished up and she almost gave Jonah an impolite look but she met my eyes and decided otherwise.
Brandon looked up at me when Jonah probably told him we had to leave. I frowned when Brandon made his way over to where I was standing.
“At least let me give you guys a lift. I made you stay late.” He offered.
“That’s not going to be necessary. I agreed and forgot about the time.” I said to him and watch him loosen his skates and take them off in a blink of an eye.
“Adams, I know you are stubborn but I can have you home a lot quicker than what it will take you to walk.” He exclaimed, his eyes never leaving mine.
“Fine,” I drawled with a dull tone.
“Can you just hold this for me? I just have to get my bags.” He asked, holding his hockey stick out to me.
I took it from him and watched him run over to the locker rooms. I then gave Jonah a knowing look.
“You are so behind all of this, aren’t you?”
He pulled up his shoulders, pretending to be a good and innocent kid.
“At least you will have enough time for that shower you are looking forward to.”
He wasn’t wrong but I wasn’t going to admit it to him.
Brandon made his way back over to us, this time wearing shorts and a shirt. How he changed so fast was a mystery to me.
“Come on,” He said to us, taking his hockey stick from me and thanking me.
We followed him out and over to a black Dodge Challenger and for a moment, I had to catch my breath when I took in this beast of a muscle car.