Page 108 of Redeeming Heart

“Not a fan of the cold, huh?” He asked, handing me a marshmallow that was placed between two crackers.

“Nope,” I muttered, enjoying my s'more.

“The worst part about all of this is that I didn’t expect things to be this cold. Don’t ask me why, maybe because my mom always made sure I had everything, but I didn’t bring warm enough sleepwear. So, my first day here I had to go find a shop that sells decent winter sleepwear that isn’t even enough to keep out the cold.”

He chuckled and gave me another s'more. “I always bring an extra blanket for when we decide to stay at the lodge for a couple of days.” He offered.

“You are staying for a few days?” I asked, feeling stunned.

He nodded. “Yeah, we are staying for the finals.” He was referring to our finals that are happening next week.

“Are ready for the regionals?” He then asked—aware that this wasn’t the end for us.

This national indoor tournament was only to give us some practice as the bigger tournaments were still out there, waiting for us. This was a chance to get noticed so we were given an entry to the regionals.

The regionals are happening throughout the next four months where more than 100 club teams and 2000 athletes battle it out at the Regional Club championship for qualification into the prestigious USA Field Hockey National Club Championship.

Only the top sixteen teams will stand a chance to earn a ticket to the National Club Championship where one club team in each division will claim the highly coveted title of the NCC and receive the gold harrow sports field hockey stick.

We still had a long way to go, but I had faith in my team.

“For a team who has only been together for just over three months and already making waves. I think we are ready to kick some ass.” I replied.

“Our team exists of past has-beens who were looked over. Each of us used to be the best of our teams back in high school and we are driven to compete in FIH Pro-leagues next year.” We had to make waves to catch their attention.

We had less than a year to get noticed even if we don’t win every single championship.

“It’s tough to think that at this age you gotta push hard to get a spot in the future or else you'll end up missing your one shot and there is no way of getting it back.” Brandon understood because it’s tough out there becoming an ambitious athlete.

“The thrill is worth it,” I noted and he agreed with a nod of his head.


I was completely aware I was lying snuggled up against Brandon with one of his arms draped over me, blocking out the cold and holding me tightly against his side.

I just didn’t care about how awkward it must be for the rest of the girls sharing a room with me. We weren’t naked or making out. He only stayed over because it has gotten really late and started snowing again.

Most of the guys stayed over, sleeping on the floors or on an empty bed bunk that was extra. I couldn’t get it over my heart to have Brandon sleeping on the cold, hard floor. Also, he kept me warm all night through.

I haven’t slept this cozy since I left home.

Without wanting to wake him up, I pushed myself up and snuggled a bit closer—resting my head on his chest. Closing my eyes savoring the soft, tranquil beat of his heart.

I have fallen back asleep and when I woke this time, my blankets wrapped around me like a cocoon and I was cuddling my pillow instead of Brandon’s broad chest.

He must have ninja skills I wasn’t aware of to get out of bed without waking m up or maybe it had to do with me being a heavy sleeper.

Rolling over onto my other side and pushed myself up—realizing the room was empty. Everyone’s beds were already made up and there wasn’t a sign of anyone.

I lazily left my room and to my surprise found the girls already showered and dressed. Looking at me with curious eyes almost as if they were playing a game of figuring me out.Good luck with that. Sometimes I didn’t even understand my own screwed-up thoughts.

“I overslept, didn’t I?” If they tell me that I missed Brandon’s game I was going to kick myself.

Megan nodded coming over to hand me a mug. “We weren’t sure how you were going to react if we wanted to wake you up because last time, I got a pillow in my face.” She remarked, sitting down beside the girls on the sofa that were still looking at me with eyes unblinking.

“Oh, and you’ve got 30 minutes to get ready.” She also informed me, tapping her forearm.

I sensed she wanted to ask me something with the way she looked at me—I was sensing that everyone had something on their mind.