The dean told them to calm down and then he handed coach Peterson a piece of paper before excusing himself. We all waited patiently for coach Peterson to tell us what was going on.
“What was that about?” I asked the coach when he reached us.
“The varsity suspended our time using their field. They don’t want us here because we are not competing for the cup.” He explained.
“Should I go ahead and guess that it had to do with that coach being a bad loser?” Clarissa asked, keeping her outburst to a minimum even when it was obvious that she was ready to punch someone.
The coach nodded. “He somehow convinced the dean to kick us out.”
“He probably thinks that we are not going to get anywhere and convinced the varsity that they are losing valuable resources to hire out their field to a few nobodies,” I remarked, clenching my hand into a fist.
The coach didn’t answer, but it was clear that nobody believed in us. Every piece of my dark, broken soul wanted to win this year’s champion cup more than I ever wanted.
“I don’t care what it is going to take to win this year’s cup, but we are going to give it our all. I’m done with all of these douchebags who think they have the right to own everything.” This prick has been messing with the wrong team and he was going to lick his wounds and I was going to make sure of it.
“That’s a great idea, but we need a field.” The coach pointed out.
“We’ll work something out,” Tammy remarked. “As Sasha said we are going to win the championship cup and show those dickheads they messed with the wrong team.”
“I love your enthusiasm, but we can’t do anything without a place where we can practice to be able to win the cup.” He reasoned and pointed out the obvious. “We can’t use the park all year round.”
“I hate this,” I grumbled from feeling frustrated.
“This weekend should have never happened. We had a field and a possibility, now we have nothing.” The coach clarified with a remarkable negative attitude that got the girls all rattled.
“Are you implying that we should have stayed down when those boys discriminated against us?” Briana asked before I could utter a word.
“Are you saying that we should accept the way we are getting treated?” Megan pressed, showing her distaste for what the coach was getting at.
Coach Peterson was lost for words and the girls were getting impatient with everything that is happening.
We were looking for a second chance and nobody wanted to give it to us, so now, we are taking it. Breaking the rules was never my intention, but if it was going to capture the attention of the pigs who were running this game then I will do whatever it takes to get noticed.
I felt like a fraud.
Someone who was chasing imaginary clouds.
Trying to change something that will never change.
Having the girls kicked out from the varsity sports field ruined our chances of fighting for the championship cup. When I challenged the guy’s hockey team, I at least thought they were mature enough to accept any consequences and, in the end, we were the ones who were screwed over.
We are not given a chance to show our worth by competing against a higher level of leagues.
This is the time I truly needed my mother’s words to help me figure out what I have to do next to save my girls from the tragedy that I caused.
I started going from gym to gym trying to find an owner that would want to sponsor us and help us out with training grounds, but I got turned down.
Nobody wanted to take a chance on a girl’s club hockey team who hasn’t proved themselves and I felt like giving up.
Aunt Maggie had this wonderful idea to make me join her for another session at the gym. She was all pumped up and pushed through her workouts while I felt completely discouraged and tried finding ways to save my team.
I picked up a pair of weights when I decided to get in a good workout since we were here, but even the adrenaline pumping through my veins did absolutely nothing to cure the ache in my mind. I was going for my water bottle when out of the corner of my eye I saw Kevin coming up the stairs with Brandon and a few members of his team following.
“Coach Tait,” I whispered, realizing that I know where I’d seen him before.