Page 6 of Redeeming Heart

“I don’t see that you have got a choice since you are still staying under my roof and that makes me in charge.” Now he wants to act like a father instead when I truly needed him.

“This is utter bullshit,” I muttered getting up from my bed.

“I am only doing this because I care about you.”

“Don’t you think it is too late for that?”

He didn’t say anything as he shut my bedroom door to give me some privacy but not before telling me to hurry up.

Jonah was Meredith’s thirteen-year-old son and a pain in the butt because he is excited about our parents getting married. He doesn’t understand how life works or the pain that was caused when I lost my mother and having to watch my father move on when I am still stuck in past.

Meredith was in the kitchen when I finally decided to show up while feeling hungover when I didn’t even have any experience of having a real hangover.

“You are late,” Jonah remarked not looking up from his PSP.

“I can always let you walk on your own.” I retorted reaching for a mug when Meredith pushed one towards me across the counter.

“Are you sure about this?” She asked looking at me. Assuming her question was directed at me and ready to answer but my father’s voice cut in.

“Yes, it will do her good and it will give them some time to bond.” He said like I wasn’t in the room and assumed I want to bond with some woman’s kid who thinks she can replace my mother. All I ever wanted was for my father to create a bond with me after my mom passed away but instead, his loneliness bothered him.

“You are unbelievable,” I muttered into my mug.

“Do you want to share something with us, Sasha?” My father questioned arching an eyebrow, challenging me to say something so that he can punish me even further.

It was on the tip of my tongue but I didn’t want to ruin the morning for the rest of the people living in this house.

“No,” I mumbled, deciding to swallow my pride and wash the words down with my coffee.

Meredith gave me a knowing look and I could see she wanted to say something but decided against it as she mumbled something under her breath when placing a kiss on my father’s cheek before saying her goodbyes to the rest of us.

I placed my coffee mug in the sink and ordered Jonah to get his things so that we can head out.

My father gave me a questioning look when he observed I was taking my skateboard along.

“What?” I asked when I noticed the look on his face.

He shook his head at me and excused himself.

That wasn’t awkward at all.

Jonah was already waiting for me outside sharing the same disapproving expression as me.

“Come on,” I said, picking up his ice hockey bag with all his gear inside and gesturing for him to follow me.

None of us spoke but I caught him staring at my skateboard with longing while I was skating beside him on the sidewalk over to his school.

We’ve barely spoken a word to each other since they moved in with us two years ago. I was still mad at my father for what he has done and I hated Meredith for seducing my father.

Nothing about this was Jonah’s fault. He also had a tough upbringing as his father tried to kill his mother and he witnessed everything. They have also been on the run for many years and this is the first time they have settled down.

He could finally be a kid who goes to school, join school activities after class and make a friend without having to be worried about moving away again. Thanks to my father who put the bad man behind bars.

“You want to try it out?” I asked him climbing off the board and gesturing for him to get on.

I stifled a chuckle when he almost threw me with his school bag from excitement to get on the skateboard. I showed him what to do and how to place his weight correctly on the board without tipping backward or sideways.

At first, he was a bit sloppy and almost met the ground a few times but soon got the hang of it. He wasn’t confident enough to place both feet on the board and was only pushing himself with one foot while concentrating on not bumping into anyone that’s until we reached the downhill and he tried to be tough when he placed both his feet on the board.