Page 82 of Rewrite Our Story



Dad tapsthe tailgate of the Jennings Ranch work truck. He turns to face me, puffing his cheeks out with a large sigh. “Got everything you need?”

I give him a nod as I peer over his shoulder, searching for a familiar face.

My heart sinks when I don’t see anyone else in sight. It’s just me and my dad.

Sadness washes over me.

He’s really going to do this. Cade isn’t even going to say goodbye to me after everything that happened between us.

“Mare,” my dad says cautiously. “You ready to go?”

“Yes,” I lie. I’m nowhere near ready to leave. Not until I speak with Cade. Since we got back from dropping off his family at the airport, he hasn’t spoken to me. I’ve tried multiple times, but he’s been avoiding me. And with a ranch like this one, it hasn’t been hard for him to do so.

During a fit of rage in the middle of the night last night, I stomped from the cabin all the way to the main house. I was ready to give Cade a piece of my mind, but when I went to open his door, it was locked.

That door is never locked.

I was too shocked by his clear line in the sand that I turned around. I cried the entire walk back to my house.

It was hard accepting he was doing this to us.

I’d hardly slept last night, but part of me thought he’d eventually show up to say goodbye.

Dad gets into the truck as I fight back tears. I’m seconds away from asking my dad if we can stop by the stables so I can try to find Cade one last time when I hear the familiar sound of an engine.

My heart skips seconds before Cade comes into view. He stops his truck behind Dad’s. The truck’s barely in park when Cade jumps out of it, his boots making a thumping sound on the gravel as he lands.

“Cade?” Dad asks, getting out of the truck. He scratches his head. “What are you doing here?”

Cade looks at me. There’s so much pain in his eyes. The bags under his eyes rival mine.

Does he know I came to see him last night? Has this been as hard on him as it has been me?

He tears his eyes from mine, his broad shoulders rising with a large sigh. “I was looking for you, sir.”

“What for?”

“What is it?”

“Rhett is looking for you. I asked him if there was something I could do, but he said he needed to speak with you since my dad is gone.”

Dad sighs, his hands finding his hips. “Don’t they know I have to drop Mare off at the airport?”

“How about I do it?”

My stomach drops at his words. I don’t know if it’s in fear or excitement. Now with Cade near, I don’t know what to do. I don’t know if I want him to be the one to take me to the airport.

Dad gives me a hesitant look. I can tell by his demeanor he’d much rather go help with something on the ranch than drive me the two hours to the airport. It stings a little, to see it so clearly written on his face.

“What do you think?” Dad watches me closely. I feel numb staring into his eyes. I should want my dad, my only living parent, to be the one to take me to the airport. We should have some grand goodbye where he instills some kind of wisdom into me like…don’t get pregnantorremember to keep the bear sprayhandy!I think Momma’s death has done a number on both of us. Goodbyes seem final, and no matter the complicated relationship Dad and I share, it’s hard to say goodbye to him.

“Mare?” Dad prods, breaking me from my thoughts.

I jolt. “If you’re needed here, I’m fine with Cade taking me.”