“I’ll take more time for myself once winter sets in.”
Sutten Mountain becomes crazy around ski season. Tourists descend upon our small town, all of them wanting to take their winter vacations here. Things slow down for us at that time. We can’t do trail rides in the snow, so we don’t have to worry about catering to any clients. It’s just making sure the ranch stays running and the horses stay happy and healthy.
Dad taps his knuckles against his desk. “No.”
My head rears back. “What?”
“I’m not going to let you work yourself ragged because you feel like you have to for me.”
My mouth snaps shut. I think through my words, not knowing what to say back to Dad. He’s caught me off guard. “I’m not doing anything because of you. This ranch will be mine one day. I want to hold my own.”
“Why haven’t you gone to Chicago yet?”
“Because you’ve needed help.”
“I’m not asking for help now.”
I sigh, running my hands over my thighs. “We’re not even close to bailing enough hay to last us through the winter. There are four more pastures that need to be turned. I’ve got to update some of the—”
“Yes, there are things that have to be done. And while I appreciate you working yourself to death to help me, I’m better now. I’m present. As present as I can be. I can do this. You held this ranch together when your mother left us, but it’s time for you to take a break.”
I swallow, not knowing what else to do at the impact of his words. They do something to me, making emotions I’ve tried to stifle in this time away from Mare bubble up to the surface. “I miss Mare like crazy, Dad. I want to go see her, but I don’t want you to have to do everything on your own.”
“Do you know Linda used to go on and on about you two?”
“Pippa and me?”
Dad grunts. “No. You and Marigold. As soon as Mare became a teenager, she was always watching you. Your mom knew that girl was wild about you.”
“It seems like everyone noticed that but me.”
“She noticed themomentthings changed between you and Marigold. I can hear her voice so clearly in my head. ‘Did you see the way they looked at one another at dinner, Jasper? Our son is crazy about Marigold. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen two people as in love as those two.’It was all she wanted to talk about at night,” he says. “It made her so happy to see the two of you happy. It hurt her fragile heart when it was clear things had changed between you and Marigold.”
“Dad,” I croak. My eyes sting from the memories. At the knowledge that she so clearly knew everything happening between Mare and me.
“Your mom couldn’t wait for the day the two of you would find each other again. She was devastated when Mare left and didn’t come back. But shealwayshad hope that the two of you would find each other again.”
Guilt seeps into my bones. If I would’ve handled that summer years ago better, maybe my mom would’ve been able to see Mare more.
“Now you’re with her, and you both are happy, but I can tell you’re not truly happy, son. You need to go to Marigold.”
“Who will help you?”
He swats at the air. “We’ve hired two new people in the last month. What are we paying them for if they’re not helping?”
“You know what I mean.”
“I do. You feel a responsibility not only to this ranch, but to me, and while I love you for it, son, I need you to make a different decision.”
I open my mouth to argue, but he holds his calloused hand up to stop me. “Your mother would want you to be with Marigold. It wasallshe ever wanted. And I think if you stopped and thought about it for a moment, you’d give this ranch up in a heartbeat if you had to choose between Marigold and it.”
“I don’t have to choose. I love her with an intensity that scares the hell out of me, but we’re good this time. We can make it. I can help you and she can finish her story and then we can figure it out.”
Dad swallows. For some reason, his eyes get a little misty, and it makes my throat swell. I don’t see him like this, not ever. He lets out a shaky breath. “If someone came to me today and told me I could see your mother again, even just for a minute, but I’d have to give up the ranch, I’d do it. I’d give it up in a fucking heartbeat, son. All the work my dad, my grandfather, and I put into it is nothing compared to the love I felt for your mother.”
I shake my head, trying not to break down in front of my dad. “Dad…” I croak, knowing if I had to choose, I’d do the same thing. Making my dad proud—keeping this ranch in the family—is one of the things I want most in this world. But what I want themost, is Mare. My Goldie.
“I’m not blind. I know the way you look at the girl. I remember looking at your mother the same way. Like she hung the damn moon and all the stars around it.” He sighs, his shoulders becoming shaky with the exhale. “There’s nothing I can do to get your mother back, but I’d give up just about anything to be given the chance. I won’t let you miss out on a love as powerful as I shared with your mother because you feel like you owe it to me or this ranch. You get your girl, Cade.”