There’s a quilt laid out—one made by Linda. On top of the quilt there’s a picnic basket and additional candles.
“What is this?” I ask breathlessly. I don’t know where to look, what to focus on.
I turn to focus on him. His eyes crinkle at the sides in adoration as he gestures for me to sit. I’m left with no choice but to do as I’m told. I’m too stunned to think for myself.
“This is your birthday gift.”
Cade lends me a hand as we both lower to the quilt. I smooth my hand over the familiar stitches, remembering the nights Linda sat by the fire stitching it together.
“I can’t believe you did all of this for my birthday.”
“I’ve always loved celebrating birthdays with you.”
Emotion swells through me from the memory of us nine years ago. I thought it was the best thing in the world, to spend my sixteenth birthday with Cade Jennings. If only I’d known how many more I’d get to spend loving him—with him loving me.
I look at my surroundings, taking in the beauty of what he’s laid out. “This must’ve taken forever to set up.”
Cade smirks. “I had some help.”
It’s silent for a moment as we both look out at the setting sun. I don’t know if he realizes he does it, but Cade reaches out and grabs my hand. He places it in his lap, brushing his fingers along my palm.
His amber eyes focus on me, and I have an overwhelming sense of gratitude knowing he’s mine.
“Hey, Goldie?” Cade asks, letting go of my hand to reach for something in his pocket.
My heartbeat speeds up. His voice is hoarse and vulnerable. Something about the moment feels different. It feels special.
“Yes?” I whisper.
“I know it’s not midnight, but I was hoping we could break the rules and have you make a wish now?” He pulls out a black lighter. One that looks exactly like the one from all those years ago.
He flicks it on, the flame illuminating the space between us. “Make a wish.”
My eyes flutter shut as I pretend to make a wish. There isn’t anything I could wish for that I don’t already have. Year after year, I wished for Cade Jennings. All I wanted was for him to love me. And now I have that. I’ve never been happier. He completes me in a way that I thought was only meant for romance novels.
He’s my everything. My every wish. My dream come true. The only wish I could make was for things to stay like this forever.
When I open my eyes, I find Cade staring back at me. The flame reflects off the gold flecks in his eyes.
“Did you make your wish?” he whispers.
“My wish came true. I haveyou.” I lean forward and blow out the flame, missing seeing the reflection of the dancing flame on his cheeks.
Cade slides the lighter back into his pocket, but he doesn’t come out empty handed.
Between us he holds a red velvet box.
“Cade,” I whisper, wondering if I’m seeing things correctly.
Cade moves, shifting his body onto one knee in front of me.
A choked sob comes from my throat as I figure out what’s happening.
I’ve dreamt of this day since I was a little girl. He’s on one knee in front of me, looking at me with so much love.
He opens the box. I gasp at the brilliant, beautiful solitaire ring nestled safely in the box. “Nine years ago you made a wish, and I desperately wanted to know what you’d wished for. I wanted it to be for me—for us. I want to spend every birthday with you, be your every birthday wish, Goldie. Because you’ll always be mine. I want to be your forever. There isn’t a version of my future that doesn’t have you in it.” He taps his chest, hitting against his heart. “You’re my entire heart. My entire world. I love you so much that it feels like I live and breathe you. Marry me, Goldie? Make me the luckiest man in the world and become my wife?”
I blink through the stream of tears falling from my eyes. Everything is blurry and it feels like my throat is clogged with too much emotion. All I can do is nod. My body falls forward as I wrap my arms around his neck.