He nodded.

“And let’s say I needed an extra card; will it get me onboard the colony ship?”

He nodded.

“And how would I know I can use it and it’s not a scam?”

“Watch that couple; see right there.” He pointed to the people I saw him with before. They were now heading across the street to the front entrance where the attendants and security guards stood. With a small swipe, they were inside.

It was like the heavens were smiling down on me. My mom always said to grab opportunities when you see them, though I’m sure this is one opportunity she would rather I pass on, but for me, it was worth a shot. Anything was better than coming home with my tail between my legs.

This was when I realized that my goddamn wallet was missing!

“Motherfucker!” I yelled, causing the noisy diner to hush for a moment. Mr. Shady shifted uncomfortably in his seat. “Someone stole my wallet! It had to be that fucker at the last rest stop,” I said through clenched teeth, remembering the ginger haired guy who bumped me.

I had seen him pull the same bump and snatch on a few passengers at the rest stops, so I avoided him until I wasn’t paying attention, and he bumped me too. I checked my wallet and felt it was on me, so I thought I was too clever, and he didn’t get me. But I was wrong! He must have switched my wallet for someone else’s.

Thankfully I still had a credit chit with only a hundred and twenty-five credits on it, and the only reason it wasn’t in my wallet was because I had bought that burrito and forgot to put it in my wallet.

I was both lucky and unlucky at the same time. That wallet belonged to my dad, my last memento of him before his passing. I wanted to cry and punch someone at the same time.

As for confronting the thief, that was out of the question, as he had ditched at the last stop. I swear if I ever see that bitch again, I will punch his freaking lights out.

“Whelp, tough.” Mr. Shady stood to leave.

“Hold on,” I said hoping I didn’t sound desperate but was sure that was just how I sounded. “I have one hundred and twenty-five credits to my name.”

“Shame. How are you gonna get those seventy-five bucks?”

“What?! You’re not gonna let me slide?”

He chuckled. “If I let you slide then everyone would start negotiating prices. I feel bad, you know? Who doesn’t need anextraID card? But the price is two hundred bucks.”

He stood and without listening to another word he backed away from the table. “If you come up with the rest of the money I’ll be here until around five then I’m heading inside. I’m not missing my chance to start my newfound career over one customer.” He walked away, and I wanted to die. Of course, someone would steal my money.

My options were not looking great, I could either go to the station and make a sign stating that I would work for bus fare like the other dregs that ended up here like me. Or be a complete shady scumbag and find Derek before he enters the port, spin some lie to get his aid.

There was also another option, but that would be a last extremely desperate resort, and the fact that I was even thinking about it only solidified that I was getting on that colony ship one way or the other. No more second guesses or alternatives.

It’s that colony ship or bust!


Acaralmostknockedme back, but I reached the other side of the large street and nearly slammed my body against the large glass doors leading into the Outer Worlds terminal.

Thank goodness Derek was not far into the building, and I wondered if he was waiting for me. I knocked on the glass to get his attention, then motioned for him to meet me outside.

“I was wondering if you had gotten lost or something.” He laughed. “I know no one but you so…”

“Derek, I need help.”

His cheerful expression grew serious with my tone. “Uh… yeah, what’s going on?”

Time to spin lies. “Some asshole stole my wallet with my ID card inside, and now I can’t get inside.”

“Whoa.” He reeled. “What are you gonna do?”

“There’s this guy across the street. He says he can make me a new one for two hundred bucks.”